View Full Version : Can my medication for ADD and Bi Polar cause hormonal changes?

28-09-09, 20:25
Hi, I have just come back from my GP who has told me that I have high FSH and LH levels which is potential onset of early menopause, I am 37 and trying for a baby so as you can image I am devastated. She did mention it could be my meds from my physiatrist. I am on Quatapin 400mg XL and Adderall 30mg daily, does anyone know if these can affect these hormones? I maybe clutching at straws but could it be the meds? :weep:

This is the first time I have used this forum so excuse me if I have got anything incorrect.

28-09-09, 20:41

I will move this post to the medication section of the forum to you where you will recieve more replies.


28-09-09, 20:43
Lol another admin must have done it as i was replying! Damn we are on the ball tonight!! :roflmao:

28-09-09, 21:04
thank you admin :) hope i get some replies

28-09-09, 21:05
Course you will hun!! :hugs:

28-09-09, 21:05

You would be best asking the doctor about this - I am sure they must have some information on it.

28-09-09, 21:06
That probably isn't the answer you wanted though lol

28-09-09, 21:13
Thanks yes you are right I have sent an email to my Physiatrist PA so she can ask him and come back to me. I am just being impatient and hoping that maybe this has happened to someone else on these medications

28-09-09, 21:16
Well I searched for Quatapin and there are no posts about it. There were a few on Adderall so you could read them and see if they help.

28-09-09, 21:25
I have been google-ing with no success so I will have a look at these, thanks for all your help.

29-09-09, 08:01
Dear Nicola I have no experience with the drugs that you mention but I do have lots of experience around fertility issues. Do you attend a fertility clinic at the moment? The doctor in charge of your care would be best placed to see why your follicle stimulating hormone and lutenising hormone levels are raised? There could potentially be a number of options available to you. If you are not receiving treatment then maybe a referral is in order? Are you allowed a single cycle of IVF in the area that you live? If I was in your situation I would try to find out what options are available whether through private treatment or NHS without delay? You will need a proper diagnosis to find out why you cannot conceive and whether the drugs are causing that. Only a proper fertility clinic ( preferably in a teaching hospital can do that) Best wishes.

29-09-09, 19:40
Sorry I meant search on here not on the internet - not sure I made that clear

30-09-09, 15:32
Dear Nicola I was wondering whether you had any answers to your questions? I guess that trying for a baby would mean temporarily withdrawing/ coming off your meds? Would that mean you rislk becoming ill again?

30-09-09, 15:58

Yes, I have had an answer; from my physiatrist no they do not cause an increase in my FSN and LH levels so it is nothing to do with the meds. If I were to fall pregnant my physiatrist has always said that whether I stay on my meds is based on a risk factor to me coming of them/falling ill again while pregnant. If he had it his way I wouldn’t fall pregnant because of the stress it may cause me and I would live in a fluffy world completely stress free but unfortunately life isn’t like that, don’t get me wrong he is a extremely competent consultant and certainly knows what he is doing but it is the same with any consultant they have their dos and don’ts but if we all live our lives that way we would all be wrapped in cotton wool.

I have been on another website called Fertility Friends and posted my situation of my LH level at 22.3 and FSH level at 26.5 and a very kind lady came back with some advice. She said that it was unfair of my GP to write me off with early menopause after just one blood test and that more tests could be done as these levels can fluctuate. The test she suggested was Anti-Mullerian Hormone test; I have an appointment with a Gyne next week which was already in the pipe line before my test results due to lower abdominal pain around my ovary area so I am hoping for some more answers then however something tells me that this is not going to be a quick process and I may have lots more tests ahead of me.

Re the single cycle of IVF on the NHS I am doubtful after reading some posts on Fertility Friends if you already have a child which I do she is nearly 10 then basically it is a no. I had a look on line as to IVF costs but if my eggs are depleted as they are over 13 (something else I read so not sure how true that is) then my only option would be to use a donor egg which is something I would seriously need to think about. Anyway hopefully I will have a clearer picture soon.

Have you personally suffered with infertility? I don’t want to pry so you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.

Nicola x

30-09-09, 16:20
Yes Nicola I have and it took us my husband and I eight and a half years to concieve of my son now eleven. I was allowed a single cycle of IVF at thirty six and it worked first time. We had previously spent about £10,000 on private fertility treatment including IUIs and ovarian stimulation. I have PCOS and the drugs used in IUI caused me to suffer ovarian hyperstimulation syndrone. I was very very ill. My husband and I wanted to try for a second child but I came off my drugs lithium and dothiepin and I was very ill again. I was advised to go back on the drugs. Sadly that second child did not happen. I am now forty eight and have had a hysterectomy because my pain issues and heavy bleeding could not be managed any other way. I hope that all goes well for you but I would not let the desire for another child cloud your judgement and you ignore the signs of becoming ill again. In order to get these tests done you might be forced into the private sector. I would strongly advise going to a teaching hospital as there is the proper medical back up should anything go wrong. We went to Barts in London. PM me if I can be of any more help.

30-09-09, 16:30
My eggs were all right at thirty six. As were are born with a finite number of eggs the only way to tell if they are healthy and will grow to the point of maturity where they will fertilise is through IVF. There is a greater chance of chromosonal abnormalities as we grow older. The incidence of downs syndrone is much higher. We refused all tests like the triple test which works out a risk factor depending how old you are as to whether you will give birth to a downs baby. I did not want amniocentesis or the nucal fold test as this baby was so precious to us. I believe that 'fertility friends' may have originally been called 'Issue' and I had a lot of dealings with them over the years of trying to concieve. I had almost given up. All this caused considerable stress and had a considerable effect on our marriage. I also had a course of hypnosis which I believe helped in the conception and birth of my son.