View Full Version : On The Ropes [Possible Trigger]

Flying Badger
29-09-09, 04:22
Hi Folks.

Well, it's been a rather rough time for me latley. The past 3-4 weeks have been rife with full-on panic attacks, many of them lasting several hours. I've had urges to self harm again, and a relatives bottle of morphine has looked a little too tempting on more than one occasion, just to put me to sleep (not permanantly) and get me away from the onslaught of panic for a few hours.

I've seen my CBT therapist three times so far (I see her weekly) and it seems promising. No real 'treatment' yet, but she has been asking for a lot of background information. Something the previous therapist didn't do. My GP doesn't want to consider medication until I've had a few more sessions.

I suppose I haven't been helped by getting very little sleep. I get really intense pain in my lower abdomen (right flank to be exact) at times, and it's been extremely bad for about a week. I visited an out-of-hours GP on Friday, but got no help, so ended up awake for over 50 hours. To say I felt ill is an understatement, not to mention the raging pain.

I saw my GP this morning, and got some reasonable painkillers. I only ever get a small supply, given the 'risk' of my taking too many, but I hope I'll get a couple of days releif. I got into bed when I got home, but a huge panic attack prevented me getting any sleep. I managed to grab about 2 hours on the settee this evening, but have felt too anxious to sleep again since. The chest tightness / pain, tingling left arm and hand and huge changes in pulse (going from 130 down to 60 within 2 minuites, and back up again) has me seriously considering a visit to A&E. I would have already gone had I got enough money for a taxi.

To finish on a positive note though, whilst typing this post, I feel less anxious. Without realising it, I've calmed down a little - I assume that concentrating / thinking what I want to type has distracted me a little.

Cheers for now


29-09-09, 15:40
hi gary
keep going with the CBT its really useful, Im no doctor but im certain all your pains are anxiety releated, ive suffered from panic attacks since I was 14 and im 23 now but I was panic free for 4 years but they came back. I also get aches and pains, panics really strange because it has a way of convincing people they are seriously ill but it cannot harm you. when you feel an attack coming on take short breaths, 3 in, 3 out this can sometimes help stop the scary symptoms, also if you havent already buy some bach rescue remedy and use it during or before an attack, it takes the edge off. and you have probably read dr claire weekes books but if you havent make sure you do, her methods really work. Goodluck :)