View Full Version : Taking someone else's medication..

Desprate Dan
29-09-09, 07:58
I know this is very wrong....:weep:

I have been suffering severly from sleep deprevation i get a couple of hours broken sleep a night if that, then i have to get up and go do a full days work and come home totally exhausted and when bed time comes along i cant seem to switch off, and when i do i have small little snaps of sleep with nightmares which wake me up, and then i just lay there waiting for the hours to pass until its time for work again...:weep: :weep:

I am so sick and tired i cant seem to function properly, and i am terrified i am going to make a mistake at work..:scared15:

I feel so bad, i was telling a close friend how i couldnt cope anymore with the small amounts of sleep i was getting and i feared i might go insane..

He gave me some tablets he had when he went through a real bad time and said just take one about 30mins before you go to bed..

Temazepan 10mg

I tried one and nothing happened i still woke up exactly the same time feeling exhausted and tired, next time i took 2 but still no joy..

Anyway saturday night i was so sick and tired i had 3 cans of lager and took 4 tablets, i felt really tired after about 40mins, i staggered up stairs and fell into bed and had 6 hours of good qaulity sleep, it was the first time i had fell refreshed when i woke up...:scared15:

Now i feel extremely guilty i know my doctor will go mad as i said i never ever wanted to take tablets to help me sleep as i believe it just masks the problem, but i was so so desprate..:wacko:

Should i tell my doctor??? Will i get into serious trouble and will my good friend get into trouble for giving me them, i feel so bad about it. I have 2 tablets left, i thought about flushing them down the toilet..

Oh what have i done..:weep:

What should i do, in the past my doctor has given me leaflets to read on sleep but i have tried all that i really think i am banging my head against a brick wall..:mad:

What should i do??:shrug:


Desprate Dan
29-09-09, 08:24
Sorry not sure what section this topic should be.

29-09-09, 08:38
OK dan, doctors prescribe things to ensure YOU get the correct dosage and that you are safe in what your taking. Its very dangerious to take other peoples medication as if its the wrong amount to give you you could get serious side effects etc.

Go to your docs and tell them and ask them for medication. I see it as a bit of a help. I dont think meds will save us i think only we can do that but they can give us a hand on the way up.

Desprate Dan
29-09-09, 09:16
Thank you Joellie,

I know it was wrong of me but i was so so desprate for a good nights sleep, but still only managed 6 hours but it was great to get 6 full hours..

I am frieghtened to tell the GP will i get into serious bother, will my friend get into serious bother???? Will the police be informed??

29-09-09, 09:21
hi hun

i have been there sleep deprived and i used to take my mums temazepam but it was out of sheer desperation to get some sleep it is absolutete torture not being able to sleep and unless you have suffered this its hard for anyone to understand.

dont feel guilty for taking the tabs but go back to your gp and explain how hard this is for you , i doubt anyone will be in serious trouble .


29-09-09, 09:21

Just calm down

The tablets you took you can get on the internet for heavens sake so you could have easily got them off there

You don't even have to mention your friend at all

No one is going to call the police or anything but if are not sleeping then you need to see your GP and get something prescribed for you

AND no I am not advocating buying any medication on line


Desprate Dan
29-09-09, 09:36
Thank you, and sorry Mike, i probably overreacted i tend to do that alot...:unsure:

I got told that pharmysutical drugs "cant spell":) are considered a class C drug and anyone supplying would be delt with..:blush: but he only gave me 9 which i have 2 left..

It probably stems back to when i was a child, if i ever done something i thought was not right, i had to tell my parents because i would feel as if they could see i was hideing something and would feel guilty inside.. Just like i did when i took the tablets i thought i better tell my doctor because i cant hide it..

Guess its just my crazy little mixed up world...:roflmao:

Thanks Danny

29-09-09, 09:49
Hey Dan

Do not be sorry - nothing to be sorry for
Get yourself to see your GP and look after yourself


29-09-09, 09:49
hi, temazepam is classified as a controlled drug, we have to lock them in a secure cabinet in a pharmacy. If ur out in public and get searched by the police and they find them on u , they will check with ur dr and u could get in touble for having them in ur possession if i was you hand them back to ur mate go to dr explain why you took them, ur dr has a duty of care and have to maintain patient confidentuality so it is highly unlikely u will get into any trouble over temazepam. Be brave and honest go see ur dr it may help in the long run x x

29-09-09, 10:11
Well, I dont think they will get in trouble coz you could have stolen them from him :) But just go and talk to the doc, get some sleeping pills! I worry about sleeping meds as i would feel tired waking up the next day!

Not sure if this is good advice lol but when i used to have trouble sleeping id take a couple of spoons of night nurse (for colds but designed to help you sleep) and thaty used to help me get to sleep! Not good long term but ever now and again

29-09-09, 10:46
Hi Dan

I would just chalk the pill taking up to experience. Personally i see no benefit from telling your doctor, you have not had any ill effects from taking the pills, I wouldn't advise you to do this again however as it could be detremental, but sleep deprevation is an unpleasant experience as i have found out over the last 3 months.

I would go to your GP and ask him to prescribe something to help you sleep, if you have changed your mind about taking meds thats ok, you are allowed to change your mind.

I have found that once i can get a couple of good nights under my belt, i feel so different and then i stop worrying about will i sleep or won't i sleep. So i am not so tense shen i get into bed.

I have been advised by my psychiatrist and GP to continue with sleeping tablet, the dose that they have prescribed for me (which is fairly low) in order that I am not exhausted all the time, and can get over the depression and anxiety that i am experiencing at the moment.

You have not done anything to be ashamed of or feel bad about, you have learned by what you have done as it sounds as though you regret it. When we are desperate for sleep we become more desperate for a solution, thats all you were doing by taking your friend meds.

Take care

Sue xxx

Veronica H
29-09-09, 12:46
Hi Dan

You were at your wits end and did something that is not recommended for good reason. You know this and are unlikely to do it again. As for telling the GP I see no benefit in that. You should spell out though that you are in need of help with the lack of sleep and can't go on as you are. You could see a different GP in the practice if your usual one has such a firm stance on not giving drugs.
