View Full Version : adrenaline

anxious elephant999
29-09-09, 09:57
Hi can anyone tell me what there adrenaline rushes feel like , coz not sure if thats what im haveing or not

29-09-09, 10:34
Hi Steph

I think it can vary a bit from person to person. I get some or all of the following symptoms.

changes in vision
Hot sweats
weak legs
light headed
feeling asthough my blood literally runs cold
shaky hands
churning stomach
keep needing to go to the toilet
sense of hearing heighted
feeling nausious
feel weak
tense muscles
feel as though i need to escape (from what and to where i don't know..lol)
feel extremely scared
feelings of "can't cope"

These are all the symptoms i can think of at the moment, but i am sure there are more!!!

Hope this has helped.

Take care

Sue xx:hugs:

anxious elephant999
29-09-09, 10:54
hi sue i get this feeling that some chemical has been poured through my chest and stomach a bit like when someone makes you jump only a hundred times worse do you ever get this

29-09-09, 10:58
when i have adrenalin rush or what i think it is it really feels like a surge of intense body sensation usually surging through chest/stomach, it's hard to explain other way i could describe it is like a wave of panic or fear

anxious elephant999
29-09-09, 11:48
hi sue when you say vision changes what do you mean can you describe it a bit more steph

29-09-09, 13:32
Hi anxious elephant999,

Well,Adrenaline rush refers to an activity of the adrenal gland in a fight-or-flight response, when it is releasing adrenaline (epinephrine). A chronic hyper-adrenaline is a common symptom of an anxiety disorder, but in some cases it may be due to phaeochromocytoma, a tumour in the adrenal medulla. An adrenaline rush causes the muscles to perform fermentation at an increased rate improving strength.


29-09-09, 13:37
Hi Steph

Sometimes I feel asthough I need to open my eyes wider, although I know i don't. It's like i cant see clearly. Other times i feel asthough every thing is bright then this gives me a slightly dizzy feeling also like i am walking on a boat at sea, i feel asthough i am not walking straight.

With the "chemical pour into your chest and stomach" I can recognise this I describe it as a Jab and then a cold feeling coursing through my body.

Hope this helps a bit.

Take care

Sue xx :hugs:

29-09-09, 13:47

Everyone feels adrenaline rushes differently. Apparently when there is a change in brain chemistry the body gives and adrenalne rush...like a panic attack. If dr said they were adrenaline rushes then they are hun

Sounds very like it to me
