View Full Version : Need to come off this stuff

29-09-09, 10:04
I have been on 20mg since December 2008 and for tha past few weeks (with doctors ok) I have been on 10mg.

I have missed the odd day recently but last Friday 25th Oct I stopped taking them. Main reason I stopped is that I am starting a new job andI want to be 100% for it.

BUT (there is always a but)

yesterday and today I have been feeling pretty light headed and a bit zoned out. :wacko:

Anyone got some advice if this is normal? :shrug:

Any help would be apprciated.


Veronica H
29-09-09, 12:56
:) Yes this is common with Citalopram as it leaves the body very quickly. My GP took me off mine very slowly over several weeks. You were on it for some time so you are bound to feel some side effects. My Doctor says he has found that 10mg is a good dose for panic/anxiety and mild depression but that this effect seems to be lost for many on 20mg? After having had a break from Citalopram, I am back on this low dose 10mg which lifts my mood just enough to keep me out of depression. I hope you manage to stay drug free if that is what you want and wish you all the best.
