View Full Version : i feel so down today

29-09-09, 10:58
:weep: I am having a really bad day with my ms fear, and i also seam to be anxious about something but i couldnt really tell you what it is, my foot has a slight and i mean slight so not sure whether im imagining it tingle. I have just walked round next and didnt feel it once as soon as i have got home i can feel it again, Ive been suffering now since March and really cant see any end to it, can you ever be 100% cured from this or is it a life sentence. My hubbie is so so sick of me now, im 29 years old and i honestly am so sick of it now. I really cant see how writing out diaries at cbt can help and i just feel so silly sitting there telling them what i am afraid of. Sorry to ramble and bore everybody again but i just needed to get this out.:-(( If its not muscle twitches im worried about its something else i just wish i could get up and be worry free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29-09-09, 11:22
rebecca its horrible i know. Im really stuck today , which isnt very helpfull for you I know.

You do have the abitlity to kick this anxiety, its just going to take time. TYou didnt get anvious over night- despite the way it feels, so its going to take perseverance and faith to get rid of it.

Im really fed up with my body big time......i just wish that i had chosen an illness that doesnt bother anyone but me...then i would just deal with it quietly!!

Dont give in sweetie.......you WILL get there


29-09-09, 11:26
I really hope so because i dont think i can take a lifetime of this and i dont think my hubbie will put up with me for much longer, i just cant help feeling so sure that i have got ms like a sixth sense or something . Like in the back of my mind i know it and im just clinging onto the whole anxiety thing. Do you think its normal to be so sure you have something?

29-09-09, 11:45

Thinking you have MS is not a symptom of ms but it is definately a symptom of anxiety. Suffering from a physical illness does NOT give the sufferer any claivoyance or sixth sense in relation to their health!! Anxiety however gives the belief that this does occur.

You are okay hun, just anxiety that you have and NOT ms.


29-09-09, 14:36
i know what your saying but when you constantly have little symptoms of the disease its hard not to believe i dont have it, the doc refuses to do any tests and i know what your going to say he doesnt see the need but what if he is just passing me off with anxiety and im wasting time when i should be on medication or something, i actually did have a good few days then this morning my foot thing is going on and im back to square 1. My cbt isnt helping although ive only had 2 sessions, she doesnt seem to focus on my health anxiety just a bunch of other stuff. Thanks for always posting in my threads it really helps. God this is so crap xxxx

29-09-09, 15:40
Rebbecca no need to thank me , you are helping me loads too!!

I know exactly how you feel. Like is there any point in trying to deal with the anxiety because the symptoms are there and they are physical and thats that. The thing is, if you did have tests and they were all negative for MS but the symptoms are all still there... then how long would it be until you were back to square one, with either an apparently logical google derived reason why your tests are wrong or sometimes just a complete irrational stubborn beleif that they are wrong and there wil be a reason somehow why.

Thats where I am, and thats were you will be if you have tests done.

Today is hard so today we must try harder!

if i could just leav my face alone i would be fine today.....hhhhhhmmmmmm

Just spent the last half hour googling hiv testing again. Okay read that the tests covered all the subtypes but then found a line in the Avert subtype information that said' undoubtadly more strains and subtypes will be discovered in the future' which i thought was fine bacuase i havent been at any risk for 7 years and wont be for again ever...but then i read after that the currect ones will continue to mutate and recombine!!! Does that mean that there are loads from years ago that they dont test for ? or does it mean that new ones are coming from monkeys now? aaaaaaahhhhhh

Sorry this is not helpfull to you !!


29-09-09, 16:03
So sorry you are having a bad day too Rebecca ,and so it was especially nice of you to take the time and trouble to reply to my post earlier. There are so many anxiety symptoms that mimic MS, I have had the numbness, tingling loss of balance etc...all proven to be panic/anxiety. Hope you feel a bit more positive soon (says I who have hidden under a cushion crying most of the afternoon) What are we like?! Take care and take heart! XXXXX

29-09-09, 16:40
Hope you feel bette soon, Rebecca. I've been having similar worries to you for a while, with lots of the symptoms you're describing. A neurologist told me I don't have MS, so I moved on to worrying about CJD which either that or the drugs I'm on, have I'm sure brought on new sypmtoms. Today my leg muscles are twitching like mad. I'm sure there will be nothing seriously wrong, we're just cursed with our worrying dispositions. The good thing is we're certainly not alone!