View Full Version : Is this Anxiety? Its taking over my life!

30-10-05, 05:14
Hello All,
Well, I'm at it all over again. Its this fear of having seizures...Its really getting to me again. It happens everynight. I have these pains in my head (something my mother calls ice pick headaches) They aren't always there, but I get them. Anyway...My fear of seizures has gotten far worse. I get really tense in my neck, and get these strange feelings in my head...almost like confusion, fuzzy, my eyes feel heavy, and I just feel like I'm about to black out and have a siezure...or lose my mind. Sometimes it gets so bad, that I'm convinced that I'm going to have a seizure. I'll lay down on a bed surrounded by pillows so that if I convulse I wont injure myself, and I'll even bite down onto a blanket so that I wont bite my tongue during a seizure. Now I know most of my symptoms aren't seiupzure symptoms, and I know that if I was to have one I wouldn't be aware of it. I HAVE NEVER had a seizure before...but I just fear having one...its taking over. I have horrible fear everynight...and they never go away! it gets worse to the point where I am just giving up because this feeling in my head....it just feels so real, as if though I'm either going to go insanee or something terrible. its so overwhelming, and hard to explain....whats wrong with me?


30-10-05, 06:23
The best thing you can do it chanlenge your thought's remind you self of the fact over and over and resist the erg to protect you self maybe if you feel you cant stop the whole protective process you go threw all at once stop one of the behaviours like put the blanket in your mouth ect. Slowly decrease you what you do when the fear hit's you and remind your self of the likly hood happing to you. Remind your self that you have never had one and that your just having a headache ect ect. change all your negative's word into positive one's and repeat it over and over till the fear passes dont focus on your symptom's focus on talking positiven to your self. If you listen to your automatic thought carfull you can stop the whole process in the first minuite of saying something negative to you self by rephrasing it and telling your self a postive thing instead. If the fear has already kicked in you need to distracted you self for your symptom's. Listen to music find something to do that you can focus on instead of the fear and the symptom's. Baby step if you cant tackle the fear head on. Giving in to the fear will only make it worse in the long run.

30-10-05, 07:23

I know anxiety gives horrible sensations "feeling fuzzy in the head and blurred vision " but it honestly doesnt give a seizure.
I have witnessed a seizure on a stranger this year and he had a history of it and believe me you couldnt make it happen and even if it did happen you would be fine like he was.
Another thing is you wouldnt spend your time thinking "IM GOING TO HAVE ONE" you would simply just have one with no warning.

I think you need to ask yourself out off all the conditions we could suffer from why do you choose SEIZURES as your fear ?
I have a fear of cancer ,but I can see why........alot of people in my family have died from it.......makes sence!
You must distract yourself from thinking about it (not easy ) but possible.


30-10-05, 08:08
I had witnessed my sister having a seizure. It happened to her twice, and both times I was there. They never figured out the cause for her seizures. She just had them. Both times it happend whens he was on the computer at night. My sister has always had some problem or another. She's anemic, and has always had little things like that in her life. I personally have never had any illness' but I for some reason suffer from these fears. I have so many, I can't even tell you. Right now, well...as of late, i've been fearing the seizure thing. Like I said. I have never had one. I am 21 and am afraid of everything. The problem is, that at night I get an overwhelming feeling inside my head, racing thoughts,f uzzy, confusion, buzzing, sharp pains that come and go on one side of my head. I guess my fear of seizures could be the fact of losing control in away...Just not having a clear frame of mind for a moment. I fear blacking out and doing something horrible...It has never happend, but I fear it. I don't want to go to a doc to seek help, id on't want medication...but its gotten so bad that I am afraid that I may have to....I just don't want to live this way anymore...I'm not depressed, I just have such bad panic attacks allt he time....I don't know what to do.

I also want to thank those who have taken the time to reply. I really appreciate your words, and support.


30-10-05, 08:29
personaly I think that seeing the Dr despite me fear is facing my fear my fear and progress for me. You have to decide what you want to do and what you want out of life. There a medical reason for asking for help while anxiety can be gotten over with lot's of effort on your part by your self. I think that It's not a failure on your part if you ask for help to get threw your anxiety. Anxiety is not just a state of mind there are chemical in the brain that make it hard to fight the negative thought's. the med's if you choose to ask for that sort of help if it's interfeaing with day to day life heap's will correct the imbalence in your brain to help keep the negative thought to a min. i think you need to fight anxiety with everything you can. Just choosing med and not making an effort to correct you thinking will decrease you chance of getting over anxiety as much as not having med's and really sturggling to get postive some people have the strength and/or time to fight it on there own. but if you really feel like your struggling to make progress on your own then asking for some sort extra help might be worth really thinking about.

30-10-05, 08:44
hello shay

my fear is havin a breakdown. ive feared it for ages, hasnt happend.

What your feeling is because of your thaughts. try to challenge them, i know that harder said than done, but you can. as for the pains in your head, have you had them checked my the doctor??

If youve been anxious in the day about anything, headaches are perfectly normal. I have experienced the ice pick thing like you described. 1 day i nearly fell down the stairs because it hurt, depression can do this to you too. Try to relaxand take it easy, breathe deep and slow. Each day talk to your self about the day before, you did so well, you have no seizures etc!!! xx take care hun xx

I know we all say the same, but self talk works xx

30-10-05, 08:54
*The problem is, that at night I get an overwhelming feeling inside my head, racing thoughts,f uzzy, confusion, buzzing, sharp pains that come and go on one side of my head.*

This is purely the power of suggestion and you are allowing it free rein.

Maybe instead go out for a walk with a family member, play a game altogether- do something - anything but lying surrounded with pillows will not help at all .

Even brittle epileptics don't do this, they often get a minute ot two warning through an aura , gives them time to lie down anywhere, biting down on a blanket won't help either as with a real fit, the spasms take over.

Change these actions Shannon soon. Prove to yourself bit by bit that they are unnecessary.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-10-05, 15:09
hey there,

megs right if u did have a seizure youd know nothing about it, my wfe has epilepsy, had a seizure and now takes medicaton and hasnt had one since, might be worth saying to yourself so what if i did have a seziure?? last a few minutes, feel wobbly for a bit and then its done...not much to fear here?? my wife has had loads of temporal lobe seziures and shes as right as rain now. and to be honest if u havent had one its very very unlikely you ever will.

ur not gong in sane and nor will you, its just worry, silly old worry thats maing you feel so odd. and it will pass.

as mumof4 said id face this fear and just say o well if it happens it happens, so what.

all your symptons are anxiety, the neck, the head, the eyes, yep all due to the worry, lose the fear and ull be as right as rain.


30-10-05, 19:51
thank you all so much for taking the time to respond. All of your words have comforted me a great deal. I realize that these thoughts can be silly. I suppose during the moment it just gets the better of me, and I feel all loss of control. I'm currently feeling well. Thank you all again so much.


april tones
31-10-05, 21:30
hi shannon. i used to think this too. i still egt it sometimes, makes me feel sick thought of it. i have too seen a service user at work have several and have to nurse thru it. maybe that what triggered yours. your sis? x
