View Full Version : Teenager cancer jab.

29-09-09, 11:40
My daughter started to have that jab last September and every 5 to 6 weeks after that she kept getting a virus and i had to keep her off school I was up and down the doctors practically every month since and the last couple of times he gave me the impression that i was over-reacting because of my anxiety..He did make an appt at the hospital and she saw peadiatrician (sorry if spelt incorrect) i mentioned about her being ill since that jab but she said that it is just coincidence..that there was nothing wrong with her and she just had a run of bad luck due to the cold weather...She has been ill again during the summer holidays and again last week with the same thing...has anyone else on here had teenage daughters that kept getting unwell. Do you think it could be hormones or maybe like that doctor said she is having a run of bad luck..Because that little girl died of that cancer jab it has worried me. Any comments would be apprciated.

29-09-09, 11:51
I think its probably just hormones! I had a cold every 2 weeks (and they usually lasted 2 weeks) for about a year last year. Teenagers go through loads of hormonal changes and during that time the immune system can be low

29-09-09, 15:30
More people are harmed by vaccines that you think. Some people think they are the cause of autism. Some people think that someone is deliberately setting out to harm us with them. Some people think they actually do what we're told they do. The evidence is there for you to see, it's up to you to open your eyes and look for it.

Lemme ask you this. Ever heard the story of the kids who didn't get the measles vaccine, who then go on to spread the measles to kids who did have the vaccine? How does that happen, hmm? It's like saying bulletproof armor only works if no one is shooting at you.

29-09-09, 15:39
I guess but thats the worst case senario. Her daughter might just be run down. I had it plenty of times in school when i got stressed i used to pick up colds. Its deffo worth looking into and having tests done but once the tests are clear its fine.

I can see why people dont know about jabs but at the end of the day it costs the government millions to find out about vaccines why would they waste the money to set out and harm us? SOmetimes they dont work but then you still have no loss because you end up how you started, without a vaccine to protect you.

29-09-09, 17:54
I didnt think the girls death had definitely been attributed to the vaccine yet....I thought they were still investigating.

I can understand the worry though, my daughter has had the first dose and is due to get her next one soon...so I dont know what to think.

I would say that it seems this girl took ill very soon after being vaccinated so if your daughter had hers a while ago then maybe she has just had a run of bad luck?

Its important to remember as well that every drug carries the possibility of side effects and risks....not just vaccines.

Its a hard one though....think we'll just have to wait and see what the investigation uncovers.

Take care

Coni XX

29-09-09, 18:13
Thanks guys for your replys..
My daughter did have loads of blood tests and all came back fine..thats probably why the doctor at the hospital said there is nothing wrong with her..yes maybe you are right and its all hormonal and just a coincidence she gets very run down after she has this virus...if she gets it again within the next 6 weeks I shall have to take her back down to the docs...thanks again guys

30-09-09, 09:42
my daughter is due to have the jab on friday !!!! i really dont no wot to do , i no there is risks with everything ie the baby jabs (she had all of them ) . shall i shant i ??????

30-09-09, 10:08
Tasia, with the jabs they normally give the person a tiny bit of what it is they want the body to fight against and during this time their immune system is busy attacking that of which we have had injected. So maybe while her body was busy fighting it didnt have enough of the blood cells needed to attack the virus she had? I remember getting ill after my BCG jab and my meningitus jab

30-09-09, 10:21
More people are harmed by vaccines that you think. Some people think they are the cause of autism. Some people think that someone is deliberately setting out to harm us with them. Some people think they actually do what we're told they do. The evidence is there for you to see, it's up to you to open your eyes and look for it.

Lemme ask you this. Ever heard the story of the kids who didn't get the measles vaccine, who then go on to spread the measles to kids who did have the vaccine? How does that happen, hmm? It's like saying bulletproof armor only works if no one is shooting at you.

Interesting viewpoint. I am very aware of the debate regading the MMR vaccine and its disputed link to autism. I don't know if we will ever know for sure but it is worth remembering that Autism was in exisistance long before the MMR was even thought of.
I am also old enough to remember what catastrophic effects could be caused by Measles, Mumps and Rubella..it is all too easy to forget that children suffered brain damage, blindness and deafness before this vaccine came along.

As for the new vaccine against cervical cancer, I would definitely agree to having it done. Too many young female lives are lost to this disease and in my opinion anything that prevents it has got to be a good thing.
Only my opinion though. :flowers:

30-09-09, 10:43
My daughter was too old to recieve this jab last year but this year they have widened the age to 14-18 year olds which puts her in this category and Im not sure I will allow it. She never had the MMR either as for me the evidence pointing towards autism was just too great. I maybe reading the stuff about this vaccine wrong but Ive found it doesnt stop you getting cervical cancer it just protects you against certain std's (warts) that can cause cervical cancer. I will wait to hear the results of this poor girls death before I make up my mind. My heart goes out to her family and friends.
Take care,

30-09-09, 12:13
It was on the news last night that the poor girl who died had a "serious underlying health condition".

My daughter had the jab on Monday so it's been very worrying

30-09-09, 17:28
Not many people worth listening to in the medical world think autism is caused by the MMR vaccine. The original paper that put forward the idea was discredited long ago. Genetic theories look promising in explaining autism.

30-09-09, 18:45
Hi again..
I didnt give my son his second mmr too as I was frightened because of the Autism scare. Been reading so much about so many girls that have had side effects through having this drug that im really starting to regret that i let my daughter have this jab. My children deffinately wont be having that swine flu jab when it becomes available.