View Full Version : Im busted after doing so well!

Big Swish
29-09-09, 11:44

Just new to this forum and looking for some help from all the lovely members and the many caring people that I know are going through similar things out there.

I was wondering has anybody else had a similar experience?

I was on 25mg of Citalopram which was working very well for about 8 months.
About 5 weeks ago I had a bad dizzy spell and was almost sick. I appeared to be having withdrawal symptoms associated with the medication, even though I was still on it, however it was losing its effect or “popping out”.

I started to have panic attacks, heart racing, disturbing dreams, really dizzy and lighted headed, head zaps and felt very very down. It was horrible and I felt like I had a brain tumor or some really serious disease.

3 weeks ago my doctor took me straight off the medication. He put me on 75mg of venlafaxine prolonged release capsules. To date (3 weeks of taking them tomorrow), I can notice little or no difference. Although the nasty head zaps have stopped and the sickness feeling has almost subsided, im still very light headed and dizzy for a lot of the time. Sometimes I get mild headaches or shooting pains, but noting really prolonged.
I still feel down at times and wonder what’s going on. I’ve heard it can take 4-6 weeks for this med to start working, but would appreciate if anybody else out there has gone through the same thing?

I’m generally a health anxious person, but it’s going to drive me mad! J

Thanks in anticipation folks

S xx

29-09-09, 11:57
I took a whole host of meds of the tca and ssri classes which made my severe anxiety worse (including citalopram)!!!:mad: I too am now on venlafaxine since July and it has proved to be the best one for me yet. I also take diazepam in the day and zopiclone and olanzapine at night which help a lot. I think you get the effects (good or bad) of this drug quicker than the ssri's.
Don't misunderstand me, it's not a miracle drug- though it's supposed to work where other drugs have failed. Good luck

Big Swish
29-09-09, 12:19
The dizzy and light headed feeling is a nightmare and shows no signs of going away.
3 weeks and no relief to date, hope it works soon :-(


30-09-09, 12:14
These could be symptoms of withdrawal, side effects or anxiety. I get it too and there's there's no way of knowing as they are so alike. You're not alone love :hugs:

Big Swish
30-09-09, 13:01
Thanks Reallyfedup,

Glad to know that someone else has been through the same thing.

S x