View Full Version : Had a blip, really angry

29-09-09, 12:58
I had a huge fight with my mum on Sunday afternoon. We've never had a good relationship, which has been a huge contributing factor in my anxiety and self-esteem problems. To cut a long story short, when I was 15, she told me I was worthless, would never amount to anything and she wished I'd never been born. And believe me, when you hear that from your mother day in and day out, you can't help but believe it.

Anyway, after the counselling and everything, I'd started to be able to just take everything she said with a pinch of salt and not let to get to me. But on Sunday, my sister (pride and joy of the family, artistic, extrovert, exciting, teaching English overseas) sent me an e-mail about a job interview I have tomorrow. She basically gave me a list of questions to ask, saying if I take her advice it'll get me the job. Maybe I overreacted, but I was really insulted by this - as though I need my little sister's help to get a job - plus, the family make a massive fuss of her and tell me how I should be more like her and I was just pigsick of being the black sheep. When I told my mum how insulted I was, she had a go at me saying that I need to take my sister's advice, there's clearly something wrong with me and that's why I've been unemployable for the last 12 months.

I did my usual thing in confrontational circumstances and left (walking out on a bloody roast dinner too!) and went back to my flat - where I totally fell apart. I was crying so much I couldn't breathe, which led onto a panic attack and I wanted so desperately to self-harm. And the more panicky I got and the more I thought about self-harm, the angrier I got with myself for letting her get to me after so long, and obviously, that just kicked off this vicious circle.

Thank God for my amazing friends - my wonderful J phoned me up and spent ages on the phone with me, calming me down and helping me get back into control. So thankfully, I didn't slip back into self-harming, which I'm so pleased about.

I'm still annoyed with myself for letting her get to me so much - but then, I realised that I finished my counselling three months ago, and in the space of three months, I've only had one "blip" as bad as this one. One, in three months, whereas before I could barely go a couple of days without falling apart. So that's progress, right?!

Sorry for the long post - I just reeeeally needed to get that off my chest! I'm back to my normal self again now, thank goodness, although slightly nervous about my interview tomorrow! Eeek! Wish me luck!

29-09-09, 13:00

Good luck with the inteview x

29-09-09, 13:06
That is fantastic progress :) I know your worried about this now but i know how you feel with family memebers like that. My nan is terrible, she insults everyone and we all ignore her. But sometimes it hurts when loved ones say things like this.

As for your sister, i dont think you should be too mad, she just wanted to help. My boyfriend gets upset with me when i try to help him find a job but i only do it because i want to help. I can see why you think its unfair but thats not your sisters fault, in effect its your mother and familys fault for making her the "special" one. Do you get what i mean?

She probably never asked to be favoured (and even so i dont know your family but i know your parents love you both the same) and to her shes probably just trying to give you a hand.

Im glad you had friends to help you out, sorry i dont have a solution. Just keep your chin up and think about the positives :) Good luck with your interview!