View Full Version : i cant take this for much longer

anxious elephant999
29-09-09, 13:17
i dont think i can take this much longer i feel horrible with this constant dizziness and constant feeling of dread ,the constant adrenaline going through my body (well thats what i think it is ) husband getting fed uo coz we cant go out and i dont feel safe being on my own , but dont want to be left with other people as dont feel safe with them ither , im so agrophobic at the moment but only because im scared of having a major dizzy spell or panic attack while im out im so scared of collasping nd dying , ive tried cbt ,, ive tried meds i am a nervous wreck 24 hours a day and the docs say theres nothing more they can do its down to me now but really cant do it ive tried so many times to get over this and nothing ever works i feel as though this is my life now and i dont like it , i feel ill 24/7 and cant cope withit for much longer i really dont know what to do

29-09-09, 13:27
Anxious hun... you can take it....you have come this far......

You dont need to get completely better right now all at once!! Thats just your anxiety making you think urgently and in black and white. Today you dont feel very great but, tommorrow you may really start to get better.

A watched clock never moves!!! blah blah if you watch your anxiety too closely you will not see the improvements as they occur. Like weighing yourself twice a day when your on a diet


29-09-09, 13:32
Hi Steph

Hang on in there please
been reading your posts since i joined a month ago and feel pretty usless when it comes to helping you, i dont know what to say to assure you that you will get over this,

thinking of you

Marc x