View Full Version : Medical Vs Anxiety

30-10-05, 07:29
I realize most anxiety symptoms can mimic many other conditions. But my question is if there is anything that can differentiate anxiety symptoms from real medical conditions. If anyone has any information on this or know any website links etc would be great. For instance.. something showing the diff between real heart problem symptoms and anxiety symptoms.

EX. such as with real heart problems you will feel chest pain after excercise and calms down after relaxing. VS anxiety, can happen anytime.

I would love to know these differences cause i honestly cant determine whether I feel the way i do because of anxiety or because of a medical problem. I feel very weird these days again.. dizziness, head feels stuffed and cloudy. I just dont know anymore.. I got a blood test that checked for alot of stuff plus thyroid.. Everything was fine except my CO2 level was low by one point.. and my LDH was high by like 10 points.. Should i get my heart checked?

im 25 male.

30-10-05, 07:45
I think there is fue way's to tell you anxiety from real condiction.

1/ if you monitoring your thought the way all anxiety suffers should be doing then you will be see the conection between negative thought and the symptom's you get.

2/ If you feel you are not being negative and you are still geting the symptom's then the dr is the best place to go for the real answer but if your scared of the dr ask you self why and in the end it's alway's better to talk to your dr.

3/ If you are not avoiding place incase you get symptom's then it would be wise to get it checked out if where you has never been a trigger to you and you can see a trigger that would start the anxiety and the symptom's.

4/ If the symtom increases to a point of so bad that you no longer deal with it than it's safer to see a dr. If the symptom ease's and get worse with your thinking then it's proberly anxiety for sure as real illness will not be effect by positive thinking.

It always better to be safe than sorry and i beleave at least that if I were sick I would realy just know to some degree. That is my beleif and i think if I ever didn't start to feel like it was getting better than i would seek advice. Infomation is the key to sucsess and knowing your body is a key to knowing what is normal and what is not and any new symptom should be told to your dr no matter what treatment you decide to go for. Getting help for anxiety is really worth it in the end. If you to scared to talk to your dr or get help for anxiety you'll never really know for 100% certain what is causing your symptom's and i'm sure you want to get over any illness no matter what it is anxiety or not. If you fear a new illness every fue month then the proberbilty of it being anxiety is grater but safe is better than ignoreing it. Positive thinking is the healthest choice we can make anxiety or not. The more positive we are and better we look after our self the longer we live and more we enjoy life.

30-10-05, 09:03
C02 being slightly low is normal with hyperventilation.

LDH - not directly anxiety related. if the rest of the profile was ok, then you have diet/lifestyle stuff to change. Not an emergency but see your doctor for advice.

We do get real illnesses to, the key is triaging yourself and not over reacting to everythiong.

Is this symptom- lifethreatening- serious- annoying- niggling.

What can you do to help yourself, how long shall you leave it till you do get professional advice.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-10-05, 21:12
Thank you very m uch for your responses.

About my Blood work. I asked my doctor a few times about my blood test, he wasnt worried about anything and told me everything was ok. The LDH was high by 10 points, but everything else was normal. I believe LDH can be effected sometimes just by the blood being slightly damaged during the blood test.

I have a few main symptoms. Dizziness/lightheaded feeling. Clogged mind feeling as if not enough oxygen is getting to the brain. And the second symptom I get is right before i go to sleep.. once in awhile i get these shock sensations in my chest. They only happen right before im about to go to sleep and do not happen when i am awake. Its a weird flutter, shock sensation. cant really say its a pain but sometimes it can be sharp. No idea what it is.

31-10-05, 21:15
Sorry I got cut off. Does anyone have any clue whatsoever what causes the shock feeling in the chest at night? Is this from breathing, hyperventilation, nerves, heart disease. I have no idea what the hell is causing it. and it only happens right when im about to doze off into sleep. And not every night.