View Full Version : Hiya...newbie

29-09-09, 14:21
Hi there,

I am Fiona, I am 34 ...new here...Unfortunately not new to panic and anxiety. I have suffered since my teens but only in the last few years have put a name to it .

I am currently getting CBT to try to overcome my unhelpful thoughts, but thought this place might help when I am at home.

I am a hypochondriac and constantly think the worst in every situation..and if I let my imagination run riot I can imagine and start beleiving anything...

:doh: sound like a right bundle of laughs dont I ....

I try to stay upbeat and not let the fear win ,..but sometimes I cant push the thoughts away...

anyway ..hi...hope to get to know you better


29-09-09, 14:53
Hi Fiona

Welcome along to NMP!
You will get lots of support and advice here!
Take care

29-09-09, 20:06

I am new too - only found the site 4 days ago, but i have not looked back!!

The information to the left is really handy.

Like you i make the whole panic worse with my imagination!


pink daisy
30-09-09, 17:42
Hi Fiona..

Dont worry after I tell people all my symptoms I sound a complete looney lol
Welcome to Nmp hun.

My Name is Kate, I am 30 and married with two children.. I live in Somerset one of my best friends live in Scotland.

I suffer with agoraphobia mostly and hightend anxiety also with bits of ocd and other strange behaviours lol

I am a very friendly person so if you would like a new friend just write to me and we can have a good old chat :)

Kate x