View Full Version : can someone give me their opinion

29-09-09, 15:46
sorry for this i knowits so draining

i just read this on a website and would like an opinion.

The webpage had all the currently known hiv subtypes and strains listed and it was fine becuase i read the tests they use test for al lof them. But then i read this bit

It is almost certain that new HIV genetic subtypes and CRFs will be discovered in the future, and indeed that new ones will develop as virus recombination and mutation continue to occur. The current subtypes and CRFs will also continue to spread to new areas as the global epidemic continues

Im really scared now that this means that i could have caught something in 2002 that they still dont know about now?

or does it mean that the new ones will be discovered becuase of new transmission between monkey and human from now?

oh gosh someone please help


29-09-09, 16:01
Hi Lisa

What makes you think you have hiv in the first place
and if you have been tested surely they would have found it, there may be different strains developing all the time BUT they are still hiv so would still show on a test


29-09-09, 16:23
I agree Lisa the HIV virus would have been picked up if you had it, stop googling you dont have it hun, you have had 5 NEGATIVE TESTS.

big hug xxx

29-09-09, 16:29
I am also wondering why you are so sure you have HIV? If you have been tested 5 times, and each time the result has been negative then I really don't think you have absolutely nothing to worry about.


29-09-09, 16:45
I know

I started out thinking i had cancer every five minutes and that went on until i ead stuff about hiv and then started finding signs in my glands and salivary glands so then i went on to hiv. I went and got tested before i read most of the salivary gland stuff and it was negative but already i doubted it as soon as i left the clinic.........so lookingback to then i definately have health anxiety....but then i read more because of the doubt that i was feeling ( looking back i can see that was pure health anxiety doubt because i didnt know anything then about the salivary gland stuff then) and then read the stuff that i worry about now, then read about whether tests could be wrong and the had anothe four just to make sure.

One of the things that worries me so much os that at the height of my anxiety i went to the dentist and asked him about my salivary glands and asked him if people wih hiv get what i have and he said yes...... i told him that i had been tested and he said when?....... i freaked out big time and was nearly sick becuase i expected him to say it was okay and then he said he was going to refer me to the dental hospital and that he would mention my fears about hiv and then he said not to loose any sleep about it!?!?!?!?

i was soooooooo upset i phoned the clinic and spent about an hour on the phone asking her how my tests could be wrong and she just kept sayin gthey arent.

I went to my drs and told him what the dentist had said and he said that i should go 'pouncing on unsuspecting health professionals' he asked me if i had told the dentist about my test results and i said yes and he said he was unhappy with the dentists reaction.

Sorry that goes on.......thats why i am so scared


29-09-09, 16:52
I've been going through stages of thinking I've had loads of different cancers. At the moment, convinced I have bone cancer...!!

Is your saliva gland swollen? Are you sure it's that gland? Has a Dr said it's swollen?

29-09-09, 16:52
Hi I have suffered with an HIV health anxiety so I know how you feel.

Somebody on an HIV helpline described a flu I got 6 weeks after I had unprotected sex (I know naughty me and I have never done it again excpet with my current partner who is negative) as the seroconversion illness (sp)
that SOME people get when they have contracted HIV. I was then convinced and went for 3 differnet tests all negative.

I still didn't believe it until I had a chat with my Dr and he reassured me.

5 tests can't be wrong - honestly you are fine. What you have may represent an HIV symptom - but it doesn't mean you have HIV - just like me getting the flu within the right timescale of a possible exposure DIDN'T mean I had HIV


29-09-09, 16:55
This might be a bit personal, so don't answer if you don't want to, but do you have any circumstantial reason to believe you have HIV?

29-09-09, 16:56
Hi I have suffered with an HIV health anxiety so I know how you feel.

Somebody on an HIV helpline described a flu I got 6 weeks after I had unprotected sex (I know naughty me and I have never done it again excpet with my current partner who is negative) as the seroconversion illness (sp)
that SOME people get when they have contracted HIV. I was then convinced and went for 3 differnet tests all negative.

I still didn't believe it until I had a chat with my Dr and he reassured me.

5 tests can't be wrong - honestly you are fine. What you have may represent an HIV symptom - but it doesn't mean you have HIV - just like me getting the flu within the right timescale of a possible exposure DIDN'T mean I had HIV


Thank you so much Saharah, your post has really helped me a lot. Its a very good point you make that it can represent that symptom without being it. I never thought of it that way.

When you say you had three tests, do you mean all the same type or did you have different ones? Should i have another type of test?


29-09-09, 16:58
This might be a bit personal, so don't answer if you don't want to, but do you have any circumstantial reason to believe you have HIV?

Dolan, i got my belly button peirced at a persons house who does tattoos from home and i was drunk so i dont know if he used sterile equipment and also i had a relationship around the same time with a lying t*at and we didnt use protection. This was both in 2002


29-09-09, 17:03
I had 2 tests that gave the results in 20 minutes privately and I had one on the NHS when i was pregnant last.

I believe there are 2 ways to test for HIV I don't know exactly what ones I had but both are very very accurate.

Honestly you are fine.

You have to believe the result otherwise you will really upset yourself. As with everything in life you can worry about the what ifs - as I do so I understand - but please try and forget this one. You are negative :yesyes::yesyes:

29-09-09, 17:08
Thanks sahara

I had one last year when i was pregnant with my daughter and i really really hope that the nhs wouldnt let that happen to my duaghter surely.

Thanks for your answers everyone.



29-09-09, 17:10
Lisa so your still not feeling any better? have you still got the results from the tests? go get them out and have a good look at them. You do not have hiv your body is so stressed it thinks it is fighting an infection hence the glands, anxiety can do anything it wants.
You do not have hiv i would put my life on that after 5 negative tests.

29-09-09, 17:14
Nope they wouldn't. You and your daughter are fine - promise :)