View Full Version : I'm back

29-09-09, 16:46
Hi Guys,

Hope you are all ok.

I haven't been on for a while, but am having a real bad day today.

I have the flu, and feel really bad, but just started panicking for no reason.

I hate feeling like this why can't I just be normal again ahhhhhhhhhh.

Really wish I could just scream but my throat hurts too much.


29-09-09, 19:17

Sorry to here you are having a bad time of it. I'll scream for you if you like? As i need to release a bucket load of tension & worry too.:weep:

Do take care of yourself:)


29-09-09, 22:42
That sneaky panic creeps up when your body is 'down' and fighting infection! Be really kind to yourself and take all the sensible remedies for 'flu and as you begin to feel better sure the panic will recede. Thinking of you though and hoping you GET WELL SOON XXX

29-09-09, 22:56
Hi, I'm back too, been away for a while, there again I don't expect I was missed :whistles: