View Full Version : HPV vaccination

Cell block H fan
29-09-09, 17:43
Its really worried me now since I heard today on the news about the 14 yr old dying after she had the HPV vaccination. My daughter is due to have hers at school in october. I used to think about it when it first came out, that maybe one day it will cause problems, like the MMR jabs did a few years ago, & parents stopped getting their babies vaccinated.
Do you think we should be concerned?
Not sure if this is in the right forum?

29-09-09, 22:02
Apparently she had a serious underlying medical condition - just heard on the news!

Cell block H fan
30-09-09, 12:35
Apparently she had a serious underlying medical condition - just heard on the news!

Yes I heard this this morning. Phew! x

30-09-09, 13:00
my daughter has had all hers and she was fine apart from she fainted the first time with the needle but was fine the twice other time.

it always the same when somethind new comes out im sure ur daughter will be fine

30-09-09, 13:14
You have to remember that out of 1.4 million girls only 1 has died and this is looking unlikely that the vacine has caused the death. Compare this with the 3,000 women/girls that contract cervical cancer each year and the 1,000 avoidable deaths I think you will agree that it is a very tiny risk. Both my girls will having the vacine next month.

Cell block H fan
30-09-09, 17:00
You have to remember that out of 1.4 million girls only 1 has died and this is looking unlikely that the vacine has caused the death. Compare this with the 3,000 women/girls that contract cervical cancer each year and the 1,000 avoidable deaths I think you will agree that it is a very tiny risk. Both my girls will having the vacine next month.

Yes you're right. Its reassured me a lot now its turned out the girl had underlying health problems. Poor kid.
I really want my daughter to have it, as we seem to have a family history of abnormal smears & needing treatment for it, if it actually runs in families! So I am glad they have this jab now.

30-09-09, 17:26
The MMR vaccine causing autism story (if thats what you are referring to, if not I apologise) had only one scientific paper behind it which has now been revealed to be rubbish, basically. Very few people worth listening to believe for a second that it causes autism.

The girl, as someone else said, had an underlying health problem. But even if she didn't, the odds are tremendously small! I think overall this vaccine is a good idea, although there seems to be a lot of misinformation about, like "this'll protect me against all HPV", not true.

Cell block H fan
30-09-09, 17:36
The MMR vaccine causing autism story (if thats what you are referring to, if not I apologise) had only one scientific paper behind it which has now been revealed to be rubbish, basically. Very few people worth listening to believe for a second that it causes autism.

The girl, as someone else said, had an underlying health problem. But even if she didn't, the odds are tremendously small! I think overall this vaccine is a good idea, although there seems to be a lot of misinformation about, like "this'll protect me against all HPV", not true.

I think its just the main one that causes cervical cancer? I know not everyone that gets cervical cancer has the HPvirus, so it wont wipe it out completely, but it will definately help x