View Full Version : Menopause what problems can it cause?

29-09-09, 18:53
I am 54 and have not had a period for ages, maybe a couple of years. I do have the mira coil ftted which does reduce bleeding anyway. I have been getting overheated for ears too. I have never really realised if I am going through 'the change' as nothing has seemed too dramatic, until now. I have had a swollen tongue for about two years. Finally the doctor has refered me to a specialist. three weeks ago I developed such an awful metallic taste in my mouth and I cannot taste my food properly. my tongue is very raw and now my gums are sore. I have just had a severe stomach upset with a fever/ vomiting etc. I thought that must have been related to the sore mouth but the upset has gone and the sore mouth remains. I have just started having a full blown period with very dark fibrous blood. My daughter had previously suggested that my mouth taste could be hormonal, doeas anyone have any similar experience of this??
I am so miserable.:weep:

29-09-09, 19:42
Sorry to hear how you are feeling.
Do you know if you are low in iron? Have you been checked for your Vit B12, folic acid and Iron levels?
I get anaemia very badly (I dont take the tablets for it :lac:) and when I am at my worst with it, I get a red raw tongue, sore gums and a metallic taste in my mouth and food just doesn't taste the same.
When I was very ill with anxiety last year and being sick a lot, my mouth was very sore and broke out in blisters, due to the acid from sick. It took a while for my sore mouth to get better.
I can't explain the problems you are having obviously because I am not medically trained, and I have not gone through the menopause, but I thought I would mention the sore mouth symptoms that I get with anaemia.
Hope you feel better soon.

30-09-09, 10:45
Hi Poppy,

I was low in iron a few months ago and took a course of tablets. Then when my blood test came back I was okay, which was obvious, I would be! Maybe I am low again but the doctor just said that my last iron test was okay as though it will stay that way. It's hard to argue with that really.
I have had a problem with anaemia since I was a child on and off. I am on a lot of medication for different things, honest I am not a hypocondriac!!!!
I have had a swollen tongue for a couple of years which can be a symptom of Pernicious Anaemia but I have an annual blood test for that as my mum has it. the test must be showing okay everytime.
I actually think that it could be iron like you say, for some reason I don't retain it or I don't eat enough of the right stuff. A lot of my problems seems to interlink with each other and over the years have taken ages to diagnose.I really worry as my mum has almost all the things wrong with her that I have. They were left untreated for a long time and she has got dementia. Is virtually 'not with the world 'and is in a home. It is so sad but also so worrying for me.
I have eventually got an appointment to see a specialist about my swollen tongue in a couple of weeks time. I only hope he is one who listens to all the facts, doesn't just say come back in 6 months as they often do. Thanks for your advice.