View Full Version : Feeling Depressed

29-09-09, 19:12
Hey all, just feeling depressed today. Im sick of feeling so ill :( no energy, pains, nausea :(. I just dont know what to do

29-09-09, 19:15
Hi there Qix,
I probably wont help the way your feeling, because i'm feeling exactly the same today. Just wanted to say stay strong, and your not alone.
Take care, Debs xx

29-09-09, 19:23
Thanks debs. Its sucks , im only 20 i should be enjoying myself not sitting here feeling like this !

29-09-09, 19:27
same :( i just cant eat at the moment coz i feel sick! but at the same time i feel hungry and im getting all worked up.

Just trying to stay positive about things

29-09-09, 19:42
It really does suck. I just feel awful :( im just so annoyed

29-09-09, 21:43
Ive just turned 29, and have been suffering for a year now, i cant imagine being like this for any longer........your right Qix it really does suck!! But it will get better, i have good days and bad (obviously today is a bad 1) But some days i just dont feel like i can fight it and give up and that makes me feel worse!! Its a vicious circle!!! Debs x