View Full Version : need reassurance

29-09-09, 19:45
Hi folks, well its a long time since I have been on this site, I used to come on regularly when my palps were bad, still get them but been coping. Mega stressed out tonight though, three weeks ago I was rough for a week with a cold/flu then I took a chest infection....then last week when I was coughing I took a funny headache and ever since I have had constant funny head, with the pins and needles feeling, aches in the top of the head, front of the head, all over infact, sometimes like a tight achy feeling, sometimes throbbing. Went to the doctor this morning, he wasnt overly concerned, think its just been caused by the coughing etc and then probably stress as well, he knows Im a worrier but tonight Im convinced its something serious....my blood pressure is always borderline and was slightly up today so Im goind back in a month however doc says its not high enough to cause problems with the head. I thought going to him would reassure me but it hasnt aaggghhhh. Anyone help????

Shaz x

29-09-09, 23:03
Sounds like the head feelings have been caused by the virus infection or sinus?
Sure the Dr knows what is best and he is right about the BP not causing it as if it is just borderline you will have no symptoms. I'm afraid it is a bit farcical me trying to calm you as I have serious issues of anxiety around Blood Pressure! Always easier to be sensible and reassuring about other people's worries. Really, you will be fine. Give yourself time to heal. XX

30-09-09, 10:41
Hi folks, well its a long time since I have been on this site, I used to come on regularly when my palps were bad, still get them but been coping. Mega stressed out tonight though, three weeks ago I was rough for a week with a cold/flu then I took a chest infection....then last week when I was coughing I took a funny headache and ever since I have had constant funny head, with the pins and needles feeling, aches in the top of the head, front of the head, all over infact, sometimes like a tight achy feeling, sometimes throbbing. Went to the doctor this morning, he wasnt overly concerned, think its just been caused by the coughing etc and then probably stress as well, he knows Im a worrier but tonight Im convinced its something serious....my blood pressure is always borderline and was slightly up today so Im goind back in a month however doc says its not high enough to cause problems with the head. I thought going to him would reassure me but it hasnt aaggghhhh. Anyone help????

Shaz x

Hi Shaz

I find that with health anxiety i am never reassured. I have an underlying belief that there is something wrong and that isnt going to change with reassurance from anyone. However the belief is caused by anxiety not by rational fact. More often than not dr say things like we will check it again in a month just to pacify the patient but from experience i find this makes me more anxious, like i am waiting for something. Maybe that is why you werent reasured?

I was told by my therapist that the nhs spend millions of pounds on unessesary tests and procedures for anxious patients just to play it safe. Therefore you can rest assured that drs do too much rather than not enough. They like there large salary every month!!

Youve had lots of bugs of late and it sounds like they have worn you down a bit and caused your system to get stressed out and go into self defence mode!!

Relaxation seems like a really good idea for you hun


30-09-09, 19:40

Thanks for replying, its so hard isnt it, you try not to worry about things but I think sometimes its just in your genes lol went to work today but still had the headaches, however sometimes now feels like a ton of bricks on the top of my head which the doctor also said is the feeling people get with tension headaches!!!!!!!

Shaz x

01-10-09, 10:27
When I get tension headaches I can't move for the pressure build up in my head! It literally feels like the top of my head is going to cave in! I totally sympathise with you Hun.
I was at the Drs last week and I was in a terrible state about the heaviness of my monthly visitor (if you catch my drift!) he did a full exam of "things" and he said it is in his best interest to check for things that he knows aren't going to be wrong but just to put his mind at rest. He said he could have quite easily told me go to the A &E department and have them sort me out but that's not in his best interest. His interest is his patients and that's why he is a gp. Saying that though it's fine when you leave the drs nice and reassured but after a few days the prob hasn't gone away or hasn't got much better, our little friend anxiety tends to override any good feelings we had.
I hope you feel better soon x

01-10-09, 18:32
Hi Bubblegum, its so true what you are saying about the anxiety overriding any good feelings :-(....can I ask when you had your tension headaches did you get a numbness/pins and needles feeling etc?????? The doctor does think the coughing has kick started them, maybe like a migraine however I think he is now thinking I have been worrying and thats whats kept them going. I thought I would give them till next week and go back and as you cant get an appointment for ages I tried phoning tonight for next week and my GP is off next week aaaagggghhhh.

Shaz x

01-10-09, 18:54
Hi folks, well its a long time since I have been on this site, I used to come on regularly when my palps were bad, still get them but been coping. Mega stressed out tonight though, three weeks ago I was rough for a week with a cold/flu then I took a chest infection....then last week when I was coughing I took a funny headache and ever since I have had constant funny head, with the pins and needles feeling, aches in the top of the head, front of the head, all over infact, sometimes like a tight achy feeling, sometimes throbbing. Went to the doctor this morning, he wasnt overly concerned, think its just been caused by the coughing etc and then probably stress as well, he knows Im a worrier but tonight Im convinced its something serious....my blood pressure is always borderline and was slightly up today so Im goind back in a month however doc says its not high enough to cause problems with the head. I thought going to him would reassure me but it hasnt aaggghhhh. Anyone help????

Shaz x
hi, i dont even get reasurrance from my gp last time i seen him he 4 a talk he rushed me outa surgery cos he was runnig half hour l8, well i didnt half give him wat 4, no time or patience 4 his patient well balls 2 them wont go back.

01-10-09, 19:01
I must admit my Gp is normally quite good, he did ask questions and did listen to me..............:=) however me being me is still worried sick about my head.....thats bad you felt like that at the docs

01-10-09, 23:31
I think it is completely normal to cause headaches from coughing Shaz, you can pull muscles and generally strain tendons all around your neck that can then cause the headache...by worrying about it you could also be having tension headaches. Coughing a lot and hard coughing can cause all manner of none serious stuff to happen - my mum cracked her rib from coughing once. I think you should try some strong painkillers, try to rest and relax and take some reassurance from you Dr not being overly concerned - it doesn't mean he isn't interested or missing something serious it means he feels it will pass on its own, you can help it pass by trying to relax....I understand your fears, I have had HA for 15 years.

02-10-09, 21:54
Hi Blacksheep, thanks so much for your reply, I am trying to convince myself that the doctor was right, I know I am a worrier and I think its just because they have lasted so long and they are not like anything I have already had, plus the numbness crawling kind of feeling (lol here i go again!!!!) Anyhow I have bought some tiger balm tonight and Im trying that.......I had been trying paracetamol but didnt think they were hitting it and as I cant take asprin Im always scared to try anything else. HA is hardwork isnt it :-(

Shaz x

02-10-09, 22:33
HA is real hard work as it doesn't want to leave to our devices and live our own lives. Try some Bach's rescue remedy (can get it in Boots and other places around) put some in water and sip it during the day, it does help relax you. The other thing I have found that help is a warm (not too hot) shower and also there is a pressure point you can massage on your hand - the fleshy bit between your thumb and index finger - gently grip the top and bottom side of it and massage gently (it my be a little painful but thats normal) and finally try some lavendar oil, proper aromatherapy stuff not room fragrance. a couple of drops on a tissue and breathe in the aroma in slow, deep breaths. :)

02-10-09, 23:03
You will be suprised in how many muscles and other fancy things that are in your neck and shoulders and because of where they are they will affect your head area (hope that makes sense!) if you pulled a muscle in your leg or arm you may get tingling in your toes or fingers. So it is plausable that mad coughing could cause a pulled muscle or similar. I got tension headaches (and still do at times) because my dr pointed out that when I'm mega stressed or worried I hold myself so tightly and my shoulders and neck etc are so hunched up and tense it was affecting all the delicate tissues and bits in those areas which suprise suprise lead to some crippling headaches. Yes I also got the tingles, weird shooting pains, feelings my head was going to explode, cold spots over my head, sometimes the skin on my scalp felt so sensitive it hurt! At times I thought it had to be a brain tumor or a bleed as it was so painful. Sometimes I swear I could only move my eyes cos everything else was either too painful or just felt so strange and scary I was terrified to. And believe me when I get another headache the feelings will be the same! I hope this helps. My brother is a physiotherapist and he gave me some excersies to do to help loosen the muscles up. They are very helpful. If your doc is helpful he could tell you them too. I wouldn't recommend just jumping in and doing them just incase you have pulled or tweaked a muscle and it makes it worse!
Best of luck Hun. Xxx

02-10-09, 23:05
Oh and I so agree with blacksheep. Aromatherapy also works wonders. Lavender is so calming I have a lavender bag that you can heat up in the microwave. It sits around the back of my neck and is wonderfully relaxing. Best of luck xxx

03-10-09, 00:01
I know exactly what you mean with the crawling sensation - this is 100% tension. It's actually coming from your scalp - not from within your head. Try googling cluster headaches - this is what it sounds like you have - and worrying about them will make them worse.

Sending you some good thoughts and hope you manage a decent nights sleep tonight :)

03-10-09, 10:23
thanks everyone, you have been very helpful...I will pick up on your relaxation aids.......I did feel like I got a better sleep last night however after using that tiger balm i thnk i expected to wake up and be cured, naturally it isnt going to work like that, plus its Saturday and i want to be better before work on Monday so here I go again putting more pressure on myself :-( Once again thanks, your responses are very helpful :-)
Shaz x x

13-10-09, 22:18
Hi folks, well I finally forced myself back to the doc today as still worried about the 'weird heads' although I must say they have been easier over the last couple of days, anyhow he did say he couldnt really say what they were but he does think its to do with a pulled muscle from the coughing which has triggered all the aches etc.......I have to go back in two weeks cos thats when Im due to get my bp checked again and he will see how I am then. Whats stressing me now is the opticians are coming into work in November and Im booked in for an appointment, however what if they see something?? I was actually going to cancel (stupid I know) however I havent...OMG I will be stressed out of my brain going in for an opticians appointment when I have been convinced there is something sinister going on in my head :-(

Shaz x x

16-10-09, 21:10
Hi everyone, sorry Im posting again but I was feeling so much better, things had eased off with the heads although still there, then last night I was feeling rubbish, the weird hea/ds were aching, felt tingling and down along my cheek bones etc, naturally I panick more, then today all day I have felt the creepy sore feeling on the right side of my head all day and occassional funny bits down my face, I know the doctor sais muscular but Im now wondering if this is stress or anxiety causing it, I know Im a worrier and I suffer from palps etc however never headaches....Im getting really concerned now, Im convinced theres something sinister going on, Im back at the docs in just over a week and I am now really worrying about this.....anyone offer any reassurance out there??

Shaz x x