View Full Version : New here, advice badly needed. in a really dark place

29-09-09, 19:50
Hi there,

I have been suffering from bad panic disorder/anxiety for over the past month, which has been getting progressively worst. Each new fear/bad thought that takes hold of me is worst than the last and this thought/fear/anxiety seems to latch onto different natural bodily actions/senses, like breathing, swallowing and now onto my eyesight. It's almost like it shifts to something else when I start to beat it, crazy. Everytime it shifts it gets worst, the breathing was really bad but the focus on the eyesight is harder to deal with. My fear is that how can i get that out of my head when vision is my most powerful sense and i always am aware of the world through my eyes, i know it sounds messed up but i want to explain it as best i can. It has made everything surreal and i feel like i have lost my mind! Everything is tainted by it. How will i get back to my old self where i worried about normal day to day stuff

I went to a new doctor yesterday who was very understanding and he said i have panic order/depression and also stated that alcohol was playing a major factor in the increased intensity of my fear. He said that if i had of stopped drinking when i initially got these symptoms i wouldn't be talking to him and the fear would have passed. I had continued to take alcohol during the past month to ease the symptons of the breathing swallowing issues and it worked. Not to excess, but a couple of beers in the night to make me forget about them, however once this focus on my eyesight surfaced alcohol has stopped working, that made it clear that i'm in serious trouble. He put me on Lexapro, which i started yesterday, i know it takes some time to work but last night i slept for a bout an hour, the worst night of my life. I started to think about ending it all this morning, i felt sick, fatigued and scared of opening my eyes, as my fear is focused on what i'm seeing through them, i cannot explain that thought, but something inside me told me i cannot die because of this, i must get my life back. I cannot hurt the people that love me. I am holding on to that thought but it is dwarfed by my fears. I have completely cut out alcohol but my fear is that i am too far gone and i have gone in too deep to ever be normal again.

I do hope you guys/girls can give me some healing words or advice, or if anyone has experienced anything like this, how did you pull through?

Thank you

29-09-09, 20:26

You are not too far gone. You are not going insane. You are very anxious and this can make you feel completely overwhelmed. Anxiety can cause awful obsessions and it sounds like this what you are suffering at the moment - but I promise you you can get over this. Different people focus on different parts of their body. It feels like you are stuck in a groove and can't get out, but the less you struggle and the more you try and accept this the less anxious you will become and you will eventually get there. I'm glad you doctor was so understanding. Carry on with the treatment. Take each day as it comes. Keep taking your medication. Don't fight and struggle with the thoughts and feelings. Try and relax and let them come and accept them for the moment as they are part of your anxiety. Don't give up - you will get there given time.

29-09-09, 22:20
Welcome Mark:welcome:
please be positive your are not loosing it , i have the same symptoms and i agree it is horrible ..it's tiring ..but we can get through it !! Don't give up and if youfeeldown just write on the forum or send me a pm i am happy to help..
Just remember you are stronger than anxiety
take good care