View Full Version : Headaches daliy for 6 weeks

anx mum
29-09-09, 20:38
Yet another post so sorry for going on to u guys:weep: . Im at my wits end tried everything 2 get rid of my headache but not going my doc is saying its muscular not sure i believe her i wake up everyday with it. How can a headache go on so long?

29-09-09, 20:49
Hi, I have also just posted, I have had this headache for a week and Im cracking up with it...so I understand how your feeling, its horrible :-(
Shaz x

29-09-09, 21:20
Why don't you try correcting your posture and / or get a message.

Add to your previous posts as well rather than start a new one each day - thanks.

29-09-09, 22:20
Had a headache everyday for over two years now and I`m still here.:)

anx mum
29-09-09, 22:23
Bloody hell what was that hun?

29-09-09, 22:50
talkinghead what coping strategies do you use for a headache for 2 years?

29-09-09, 22:52
my headache has been 3 months and ive finally got angry cos i got essays to do!

29-09-09, 22:56
They can result from stiff and painful muscles, especially in your scalp, jaw, neck. shoulders and upper back
They may be related to stress or may accompany a hangover
They sometimes follow a sporting injury or head injury
Some people are prone to headaches at weekends, possibly as a result of a change in routine.
They may also be caused by eye problems, dental problems, sinusitis, spinal problems or high blood pressure
They are rarely a sign of a brain tumour. In addition, the symptoms of a brain tumour usually develop gradually and become progressively worse, unlike the episodic nature of migraine, which is associated with complete freedom from symptoms between attacks.

sarah jayne
30-09-09, 19:29
I know exactly how you feel. Ive had my headache for nearly 7 weeks and it seems to be getting worse. Your not on your own x

30-09-09, 21:05
talkinghead what coping strategies do you use for a headache for 2 years?

I have to take medication for my condition,most days I can cope as the pain level is manageable but there are days when the only thing I can do is lie down in a darken room.

I do much less than I use to and I listen to my body,if I feel tired I go to bed,if I start to feel ill at work I go home, my employer doesn`t like it but moans more when I have to be off work.:) :)
I`ve cut out caffeine,drink more water than I use to, and lost weight,at one time my headaches where so bad I thought I would have to give up work but with these few things and the right medication I learned to `forget` about the headaches,I guess I`m just use to them now.
I worry far more about the medication giving me Kidney Stones.:scared15:

anx mum
30-09-09, 21:43
thanks for ur replies the doc has done another ct scan on me today hoping it comes bk ok

30-09-09, 22:30
I recently went to the doctors complaining about headaches, he wasn't very helpful atall. I've had them constant for the past week, aswell as my eye sight has gotten blurry because of it. I have like a pressure on my head and the ache itself isn't just in one place, although it does tend to stay near my left temple mostly.

The doctor just told me to take paracetamol and go to an opticion about my eyes. Yeah like that reassured me that I didn't have a brain tumor... Don't think so...

anx mum
30-09-09, 22:41
I know there crap hun been sobbing 2 my doc worried sick as headache been going on so long just give me painkillers and send me away thats why ive asked for this ct scan mines mainly on left side but moves too

anx mum
01-10-09, 09:22
so glad fot this site just dont feel there is no help out there all waiting lists feel alot of docs think its in ur head which makes me angry when i get the physical symptoms

anx mum
01-10-09, 12:51
Had my ct scan done yesterday do u think if anything was wrong they would of told me there and then said my results r bk in 7 days. Trying 2 b positive but so scared.

anxious elephant999
01-10-09, 13:02
Hi when i had my mri it took them a week to get results and i rang them everyday but wouldnt give them me over the phone

sarah jayne
01-10-09, 13:07
I wish my doctor would let me have a ct scan, maybe i could then stop worrying...

anxious elephant999
01-10-09, 13:14
No you wouldnt stop worrying thats why i had one but im still a nervous wreck that cant get out of bed because i think they did it wrong or read the scan result wrong or that there not telling me something :blush:

01-10-09, 18:09
An ordinary GP will see hundreds if not thousands of people complaining about headaches out of that amount 1% will have a tumour or something else that isn`t an ordinary headache.
The trouble with headaches are they are varied and can be any sort of headache going, they are very hard to diagnose exactly What TYPE of headache they are.
A GP will just do the basics,ask you questions about how and where they are in your head and if he remembers... to look in your eye if he suspects a brain tumour for Papilledema of the optic nerves,HE IS NOT AN EXPERT on headaches thats why if he thinks they are anything sinister he will either send you off to hospital to have a CT Scan OR send you to a Neurologist who ARE the experts on them.
Most of the time he will send you off with painkillers or sinus treatments as thats what MOST people have,going in demanding a CT scan because you`ve had a headache for a week or two will probably piss him off and be a waste of time anyway.

I know more than anybody how afwul headaches are,if you keep worrying and questioning the doctors every move your just going to make yourself even worse and the cycle will NEVER end.

sarah jayne
01-10-09, 18:25
Im sorry but i dont agree with TalkingHead at all. Who are you to tell me that having a ct scan and to visit my doctor will make me worse. I havent just had a headache for as you put it 'for a week or 2' ive actually had it for 7 weeks, every day i have been in pain and lifes been a struggle, ive got 2 children to care for and its been extremely hard. Ive been to the doctors numerous times and every time ive been told its something different. Do you think im bothered if i piss the doctor off by going ? The doctors are paid to be there and help us. Ive got an appointment with a pain clinic next week, but i had to ask for it. Obviously suffering from anxiety makes it even worse but im determined to get to the bottom of it and be pain free....

01-10-09, 20:53
:doh: Yeah fine you win.So your not questioning your doctors advice then?

I never said YOU going to the doctors would piss him off... what I said was going to the doctor and demanding a CT scan isn`t exactly the way to go as far as doctors are concerned and would probably piss him off(I know mine gets shirty and I have to have two a year.)

I hope you get your headaches under control,I really think though you should trust your doctor to make the decision on your next plan of action whether thats being a CT scan or being referred to a neurologist.
I will say that you going to a pain management clinic is very good as well....well I DO work in one!:yesyes:

anx mum
01-10-09, 21:25
Totelly agree with u sarah i feel the same as u having a scan will give u peace of mind and like u my headache is constant and been there 7 weeks. Doctors r there 2 help us not 2 fobb us off with painkillers and hope for the best. My mum was misdiagnoised 3 years ago which resulted in her dying so im sorry taking head i dont agree. Anxiety does make it so much worse like u im struggling everyday. x

01-10-09, 21:28
A CT scan costs about £850 so they won't want to give them to just anyone I am afraid.

anx mum
01-10-09, 21:31
shame my mum never had one as she may off been able 2 have treatment. I think if headaches r constant and u have tried everything then u should have one

01-10-09, 22:24
Hi Bev

I'm so sorry you're having such headaches every day, it must be terrible.

I'm sure the scan will come back normal but I can understand your anxiety about it becasue of your mum, bless her, I'm so sorry hun.

Scalp muscles get tense like all the other muscles in our body, have you tried literally giving yourself a scalp massage? They have them on youtube! Take a look at this:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKdAC1EuiCs

Hope you feel better soon Bev.

anx mum
02-10-09, 10:31
Thanks els how u doing any better? Miss talking 2 u hun just want 2 say lady was lovely. xx