View Full Version : Overcoming my fear to enjoy my holidays

29-09-09, 22:28
6 years ago I start with my panic attacks and I use to faint. I was for a few months on medication for depression. I never knew why I had the attacks or the depression but i don't think I care anymore as I have been working with my self to overcome the anxiety and the panic episodes.:)

I still suffer from anxiety and to be honest I think it will be always there but at least I know how to react and i do not faint any more and I rarely get any attack now.

I love travelling and I am going on hols to Asia in 3 weeks. I travel a lot within Europe but this is my first long trip (13 hour in the plane) and I don't like flying. Also I have to take anti malaria tablets (which can produce anxiety).
Some people will be familiar with the relation between Hypocondriacs and anxiety. Well I am one of them and everytime I have to take tablets that I don't know I get freak out and a bit panicky.

I try to convince myself that I will be fine and these are silly excuses, but I am feeling a bit nervous for the whole thing, between flying, the malaria being so far away , the fact that most of the hotels where we are staying are in skycrapers when I am scare of highs....

I don't know guys, I'm just not enjoying the idea of the holidays. I mean 13 hours in a flight!!

Any idea what can I do to relax myself. I think my main problem is the flight over the rest of the things. I wouldn't like to get a panic attack or something in the plane.

Any advice is welcome

thanks a mil

29-09-09, 23:07
Hi Crisi,

I've had the same problems as you, I had some Diazepam with me when needed.
Flying and being confined is tough for me. I hope you will be ok, I managed to get to Spain and Italy in recent years but travelled by train.


29-09-09, 23:15
Thanks Dave I hope you enjoyed Spain it's a very nice country!! :winks:
I have xanax, that might help