View Full Version : Chest pains.

30-09-09, 00:08
Hey guys
Tonight I went out road running but about halfway round the route i was running i had to stop because of chest pain. Its hard to describe the pain really it was an achey sort of pain that was going across my chest and slightly down my ribs and only has happened when ive road ran the last 2 or 3 times. For example i can go up the gym and run on the cross trainer with no pain at all and i play rugby and never have any chest pain running around during matches. Does anyone have any idea what this is and why it only manifests itself when i road run. Its a bit worrying :unsure:
Thanks in advance :)

30-09-09, 08:49
I'm not sure what it is, but i can tell you i have had the same sort of pains, like you say it was more achey and was going across my chest, i did go to the GP about it cuz it was something i've not experianced b4, and it scared me. He assured me it wasn't cardio pains at all, and that it sounded muscluar. I was happy with this til it happened again, now im worrying about it all over again, but as i'm still here and nothing bad has happened i'm starting to believe it may be a funny muscle, and anxiety.
Just wanted you to know i've had similar to you, take care, Debs x

claire m
30-09-09, 09:28
hi i use to run alot and like you i found running on the treadmill easy compared to road running i know it may sound a bit daft but could it be your trainers? are they suitable for road running i ask this as i had a pair of trainers for the treadmill but was advised to get specific trainers for road running as they could absorb the shock from the hard road.
i would get a check over from the doc first and if he gives you the all clear i would go to a specialist running shop and get fitted for some road trainers.

30-09-09, 13:25
Cheers guys. I have an appointment booked for next week with my gp to see what she says. About the trainers when i went last night i couldnt find my usual trainers so i wore a old pair with hardly any padding on them so it could be that. Also ive basically just recovered from a cough and cold, and still have the cough a little. Do you think this would have any bear any significance?

30-09-09, 17:10
Cough/cold, chest infection could certainly be a factor in this but you should get it checked out anyway and then you can run without worrying! Wish I could run at all!! lol.