View Full Version : Anyone else getting insomnia on Citalopram?

30-09-09, 03:42
Sleeping is really difficult I am finding.

has anyone else had terrible trouble sleeping whilst starting taking this med and how long did that last for?, I'll be taking my 13th or 14th day of 20mg tommorow



Desprate Dan
30-09-09, 08:52
Hi Dan,

I have always been a poor sleeper but i am alot worse now i am on Citalopram 20mg i have been on it since March and my sleep is very disturbed, i normally get 2-3 hours of broken sleep with troublsome dreams but last night i got 4 hours 30 mins unbroken sleep so thats a really good night for me..

Desprate (For a good Sleep) Dan...

01-10-09, 12:54
I was given Zopiclone to help with the broken sleep, and it really did help - 6 or 7 hours of unbroken, dreamless sleep.
However, I found that once I'd stopped taking the sleeping pills, my morning anxiety was much better.
Now, I'm developing a bedtime ritual - bath, horlicks, sleep spray, deep breathing, relaxation CD....last night was the best sleep I'd had in ages. Still not sleeping through (thanks to children/dogs!), but I'm getting back to sleep quickly in between times.

01-10-09, 12:57
yes is could not sleep at all on citalopram

01-10-09, 17:14
I have the same problem
I can go of to sleep but I wake up at about 5.30 to 6 every morning
Then the vicious circle starts because you are lyeing there and you start to think.
Hope your sleep improves.

Regards Joan

01-10-09, 19:29
I too sleep poorly - I'm on 20mg & have been for a couple of months.

I go to bed around 11.00pm or maybe a little before & fall asleep instantly as I am that tired.

Typically I wake around 3.00am, altough this can be earlier (1.05am last night) then I toss & turn for the remainder of the night, knowing full well that as I get up for work at 6.00am I'm gonna be shattered the next day!

The vicious circle then starts all over again......

Sorry, I know its not what you really want to hear but it does seem like a very common side effect of this drug.

23-03-10, 22:27
Hi Dan

Day 20 for me today. I actually developed a phobia of going to sleep, the week before I started Citalopram 20mg. The odd Zopiclone as chickpea suggested does actually help but the sleep is pretty dreamless :weep:. Anyway I noticed this thread is some months old now. How are you getting on these days?



24-03-10, 09:13

When I took citalopram on and off for around 9 years, I never really slept well and would always wake very early and often find it difficult to get off to sleep again, it is only that the past couple of months that I have changed meds that I realised it must of been the citalopram, I just thought it was me. Thinking back though it was a small price to pay to feel much better.


25-03-10, 12:03
Hi everyone i have been on citalopram for 6 weeks now,and find i get tired early about 6pm and can be in bed from 7pm,i can go off too sleep ok but wake up after 4 hours an then find it hard to go back to sleep.adventually can go back ,but awake again by 5.30 also i have the weirdest dreams from my childhood .:hugs:

eternally optimistic
25-03-10, 13:09
I've just starting taking citalopram again and I am waking regularly either stressing, LOL, or having had a bad dream!!

I usually end up getting up to try and knacker myself out and then feel even worse.

I know it will go eventually and the long term use of citalopram outweighs this slight issue, hopefully.