View Full Version : Feeling Really Down Today

30-09-09, 12:44
Hi Everyone,

i have suffered with HA for nearly 3 years now and do go through good n bad days like everyone who suffers with this horrible thing - but just lately i have been finding extremely difficult my husband works 12 hour shifts and sometimes i think he prefers to be at work because way i am - i have tried to talk to him amd tell him how i feel but he just doent seem to understand and in an arguement we had last night he even said to me that he was so sick of having to put up with my anxiety, and that i dont care how it affects him. i feel like if i cant rely on my husband for support who can i - its making me question whether he really wants to be here and i just dont know what to do anymore - i do everything in the house pay all the bills and sort them all out too - look after the kids - gardening everything you can think of as he is always at work - i just wish that i had someone that was there for me and i dont feel like i do - just want a big hug - Anyway sorry for the long message - but anyone who does have time to read thank you very much


30-09-09, 13:22
:hugs: Here I am to give you a big "I know how you feel" hug! We sound like we could be twins. I have a very hard/cold husband who doesn't want to try to understand my condition and when I start to behave "unreasonably" as he calls it, he gets very defensive and threatens to go out. Some men just can't handle health problems and their answer is to run away, brush it under the carpet - it will go away. I have seriously considered leaving my husband and going it alone but I know that would be the worst thing for me at the moment. I also have 2 lovely teenage girls (!) and as any mum does - I have to put them first and not mess up their lives.

I don't know what to say to make you feel any better only that I understand and we will work it out. Try to make some quality time together - men often feel pushed out when we are suffering - always remember to remind him that you love him.

Hope this helps a bit but in the meantime BIG HUGS:bighug1:

30-09-09, 14:04
Hi Mandylou,

Thanks so much for your response its nice to know that there is someone to talk to about this - i am sorry that you are having the same problems though - it is awful when they are like that - he is always so moody and quiet when he is at home and he has this way of making me feel like i have done something wrong when he is like this so i always feel on edge when he is off - i am at that stage now of thinking should we just go our seperate ways but like you dont feel like i can as i also have 2 teenager daughters and a 2 year old boy and i always think what would it do to them you know - we never have any quality time together really which i know we should - i feel like a hindrance to him when i ask him to do something for me because its all huffing n puffing ( hes like a teenager lol).

Just want to be happy - Thank You - Thank You - Thank You for your advice and if you ever want to talk pls just message me ill always be there

Big Hugs:hugs:

01-10-09, 09:28
You're always welcome - keep in touch :hugs: