View Full Version : New here, you are all so brave...I am so scared

30-09-09, 13:30

I have been reading some of your posts for a few weeks and you have got me through some tough times.

I have recently seen a neurologist for twitching/numbness/weakness in my hands and legs, he performed some tests on my reflexes and he thinks is is partly due to a migraine prevention medication I am on (although I have been taking it for 10 months!) and partly anxiety as I have been through a really stressful period and I am an anxious person anyway.

This was 3 weeks ago but I don't feel any better. He has offered me an MRI if I want one but I'm as frightened of the result as I am of not knowing.

My big fear is MS (although I know there are worse problems to have) and I am now convinced my left eye is a little blurry. I have Googled, which left me paralyzed with fear.

Sorry to drop this on you all, I realise you are all dealing with your own problems and think I just wanted to feel connected with people who may understand

Kindest thoughts

30-09-09, 13:37
firstly stop googleing symptoms i have done that and it always comes up with the worst and scares you half to death. I did have the mri scan and was scared of what the results would say but it was ok no brain tumour has i thought and it was a relief. If i hadnt had it i would of kept convincing myself it was something awful and like the doc said to me if there had of been something the sooner you find it the better. The decision is yours but if i were you i would have the mri

30-09-09, 13:39

You'll get brave too I promise!

Most people find NMP in their darkest hour and it's an excellent support network of wonderful people who will help you get through it.

30-09-09, 13:51
Thank you both of you for your supportive and very quick replies.

I know Googling is TERRIBLE, I managed to resist for a week and felt physically better, but it is so hard not to when I guess I am hoping for the magic symptom that I haven't got that means I am okay!! Does that make sense?

Thank you again

30-09-09, 19:27
I know what you mean but I'd still say don't do it as there is always that really niggling part of your brain that says "but actually....."

Well done on managing a whole week without it though!

30-09-09, 19:45
I had googled MS this afternoon and found a site written by real sufferers and one of their stories could be written by me (order and speed of symptoms etc) and that is what freaked me out and prompted me to finally post on this site.

I'm glad I did. Thank you all for being there.

30-09-09, 21:12
Hey again Caroline. Welcome on your post in return for mine. I wasnt going to post on these welcome threads until I was a bit more established, but thoguht I would say that Google should be banned. I usually dont allow myself to google anything medical, except to find out about medication I am prescribed (and even then it's usually bad experiences!), but last fortnight I had a chest infection I just couldnt shift so I googled symptoms of lung cancer (I used to smoke!) and of course I had it! One course of antibiotics later and I am cured LOL! But also I got a really rancid salty taste in my mouth which I was pretty sure was related to the different type of antibiotics, I even checked the ingredients and sure enough sodium was mentioned. But no, I had to google salty phlegm and lo and behold I had a brain tumour too! Naughty google and lesson learned for me.

Think of it this way, yes some people with MS have had similar symptoms, but I bet loads more people without MS have had the same, but that doesnt come up first in the searches.

Sorry, I try to keep my sense of humour in the face of all this and it makes me say silly things. But I sympathise as I too worry more about my health now I am a mum.

02-10-09, 11:57

I read your comment.Well I just want to suggest you for stop Googling first.then you move further for other process,and there is some problems are often occurs to google.so have patience that will be solved.Thank you for sharing the comment..