View Full Version : young and out of it!

30-09-09, 17:13

My name is Kevin and I am 20 years old. I played semi pro hockey for the past 2 years and recently quit in order to go to school in January. Just started feeling anxiety and had a panic attack at work one day. Then nothing for a few months. I brushed it off. Then I started worrying about random stuff. Stupid stupid fears! About 3 weeks ago I had a bad headache followed by nausea that went away after a nap. I was convinced that something was wrong with me. I believed I had a tumor and etc...That then turned into other worrys. Now I feel completely spaced out and out of it 24/7. its the first thing i think about in the morning and its very annoying. Im tired and just out of it! It rattles me because I am on vacation in Germany and I cant even enjoy myself because I am always feeling this way. I dont know what this is but I came to a conclusion that its anxiety related. Well here is my story!

Thanks for reading,

Veronica H
30-09-09, 19:28
:welcome: Kevin. Glad that you have found us. I am presuming that you have consulted your doctor and that you have a diagnosis of panic anxiety. It is always a good idea to get checked out first.The spaced out feeling could be depersonalisation. This is just your bady protecting itself as your nerves have become oversensitised. A panic attack really knocks your confidence, and it is hard to believe that anxiety can cause such a powerful physical reaction. This will get better, as you gradually add less fear to the mix and realise that this cannot harm you. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' available from the NMP shop. I can't recommend this enough as it really explains why we feel this way and provides a way forward. The language is dated, but no one in my opinion, understood this condition better than Dr Weekes.


30-09-09, 19:56
Well I got blood tests when I was in the USA 2 weeks ago and they said everything was fine. They said it could be stress or a virus. However, since I am in Germany now my grand parents want me to get my blood tested here as well. Im going tomorrow.

I have done plenty of research and can see that it is most likely anxiety. I havent been told by a professional, but I can almost guarantee it.

Ill have to check out her books. Thanks for the info!

It just shocks me how something like this just comes into your life. I was fine not to long ago. Just shows you how people can take for granted just existing. I wish I could be back to normal. I would be so thankful!

I will get over this.

Thanks again,