View Full Version : Newbie just offering her support :)

30-09-09, 17:47
Hi guys! I'm not sure if im posting in the wrong bit, sorry if i am but i just wanna take the time to say hi and introduce myself. im donna, im 34 and ive suffered with HA for years. ive been convinced ive had every disease known to man and im not sure if other people are the same but i go through periods (maybe a year or two) where i seem perfectly ok but then one day out of the blue, something that wouldnt of bothered me before, suddenly becomes life threatening. it takes over everything for a certain amount of time and we all know how miserable it can make us.
well i dont want to harp on and on too much as im sure youll get to know bits and bobs about me in the near future. obviously, im having the good ole HA episode myself which is why im here and i have to say it does really help being here. you all seem such a lovely bunch..

hope i get to know you all alot more soon :hugs:


30-09-09, 18:11
Hi Donna

Know exactly what you mean
Welcome im sure you will find loads of help and support here x

30-09-09, 19:25
Hi donna

I'm exactly like that. I've been fairly ok for quite a while now and then suddenly off I go again with the old HA. And at the moment I am stressing about teeth of all things! You are right, something that wouldnt have bothered you suddenly becomes all consuming and you cant think about anything else.

Anyway, a warm welcome to you. This is a great place and you will find a lot of comfort and support here when you need it.


30-09-09, 19:36
Hi Donna

Yep I'm the same too. Only this week I decided to focus on a click I felt in my hip. I'm almost certain I've noticed it before when I've been doing yoga and then I thought nothing of it. Now, or when I felt it on Sunday I was imagining all sorts. It put me right off my tea when only minutes earlier I was starving. That's just the tip of the iceberg with me really. I do have spells where everything's great but I'm long overdue one. And to think this bad spell all started with the thought of having a smear test which incidentally came back normal!

01-10-09, 10:59
goodness me, yes its so odd how the mind works for us HA sufferers. i cant eat and have terrible sleep when im going through a bad time with my latest disease!! talking of smears, that was the last time (before this latest one) that i had any kind of anxiety over anything. it had just come out about jade goodys cervical cancer diagnosis - and i was over a year late having mine done. i remember crying when i got to the surgery to have it. practically telling the nurse that i was dying of cervical cancer, "BECAUSE I JUST WAS" and her trying to calm me down assuring me my cervix looked perfectly healthy and she was sure i was fine. needless to say i was fine and it came back normal, although because the test results letter came back exactly 2 weeks after i had it done (and i thought that was too quick), i was convinced they gave me someone elses results and proceeded to call up the number on the letter and ask them 6 times to check my results again just to make sure!!! LOL.
i laugh about it now but at the time, i was a mess!!! anyway thankyou everyone, im sure ill be posting frequently on here :)