View Full Version : Tips for sweating

30-09-09, 19:49
Hi all,

I've been thinking about asking this for a while, but wasn't quite sure how/what to ask. So anyway, the most troublesome symptom of panic attacks and spikes in anxiety for me is sweating. I get knots in my stomach, tingly fingers and toes, a pounding heart, and sometimes rapid breathing, but these are quite hard to notice. However, the sweating really gives me away, and it's that which causes the problems, because I really worry about people noticing any of my symptoms. Once I start to sweat, it takes so much longer for my panic to subside.

My armpits are fine - I dont' sweat too much there, and regular Sanex roll on does the trip. However, it's my back and face which arethe problems. I have a special high strength antiperspirant for my back, which you put on at night and wash off in the morning. This helps to an extent, although it's not perfect, and it's hard not to miss bits, so I often end up with a damp patch on my back, even if I wear a dark top, which I hate.

The worst part, however, is my face. As soon as I start to sweat, my face feels tickly with the beads of sweat, and then it begins to run down my face. After a few minutes, it becomes so much that the rivulets on my face either drip onto my glasses, or onto the floor/table. I hate this, and it makes me panic a lot more because of how it looks. I don't know of anything I can put on my face to stop this (I don't think the antiperspirant would do my face much good!), and contant mopping with a tissue just draws even more attention to it.

There's no problem with smell here - I've asked several people about this - it's purely how it looks and makes me feel.

So does anyone have any tips to stop/help/reduce the noticeability of a dripping face and/or damp back?

I start a postgrad course at uni tomorrow, and I'm terrified about how this could affect me - I've already dropped out of one a few years ago because of panic and anxiety, and I don't want history to repeat itself...

Many, many thanks in advance.


30-09-09, 20:58
Hi Matt,

First of all don't worry about what other people think.

The only tips I would have is:

Don't eat spicy foods.
Dress in natural fibres such as cotton.
Take plenty of wet wipes as if you keep wiping sweat off with a dry cloth such as tissue your face will probably itch or become irritated.
Get an evian water spray from the chemists
Drink lots of cold water
Get a hand held fan
Drink Peppermint teaIf all this fails then visit your doctor or holland and barratt who may be able to suggest something.

Good luck for tomorrow.


01-10-09, 16:30
I feel for you mate.

I sweat from my head in exactly the same way. Once you feel it dripping aswell, like you said it gets alot worse:weep: Then when you notice the person look up at the way your head is sweating and that makes it even worse until you have to comment on how much your sweating and/or you have to make a swift exit of the room.

I know we shouldnt care what people think but we do unfortunately.

What I do now which honestly does help is wear one of those sweat bands around my wrist what tennis players wear. It is like having a towel on my wrist so when I start to sweat I can just wipe my brow clean and catch it before it starts as such.

I once used toilet roll until my wife said it was all stuck to my forehead and felt even more stupid so I used a small towel in my pocket. Not always great when you have no pockets, so I settled on the sweat band.

Honestly it is like having a safety blanket with you on your wrist. For me, if I dont catch those early drops of sweat it does get alot worse. I have found having this on my wrist, as soon as I feel myself start to sweat I just give it a quick wipe with my wrist and it keeps it under control.

Obviously I still sweat but it makes it easier for me to deal with which is the most important thing. I dont think there is an easy answer for sweating like that, if there is I havent found one yet.

One thing I found and like I said above, I know we shouldnt care what others think and I personally are working hard to change this, but I would rather the person/people see me wiping the sweat from my forehead with a small towel or sweat band, then have them staring at the sudden onset of what seems like niagra falls coming from my head!

I hope I have helped in someway. If only to show you you arent alone:)

01-10-09, 20:43
Hey Tigeranx,

Thanks for your reply. I like the idea, but I'm not sure about how obvious it would look. I'm 26, so maybe I could get a black one to make me look a bit "rock"? I initially read it as though you wore one on your forehead!!

01-10-09, 22:49
Hi mate
Am being daft here but heres my tip-
Coat yourself in sure and sit deadly still all the time!
All the best mate

01-10-09, 23:09
Hey Tigeranx,

Thanks for your reply. I like the idea, but I'm not sure about how obvious it would look. I'm 26, so maybe I could get a black one to make me look a bit "rock"? I initially read it as though you wore one on your forehead!!

lol No! Just around the wrist and then it isnt half as obvious as around your head lol

Hope I was of some help mate

02-10-09, 00:59
At the risk of sounding completely KOOKY -I went to a dietician after becoming a vegan 7 years ago. I was worried that I wouldn't be getting all the nutrients etc I needed so I went for a series of consultations until I was comfortable in my "veganism" Anyway this dietician had given me a list of heating foods and cooling foods (which I've lost) because I was always cold prior to being a vegan.
Once I started eating the balancing foods mys system settled and I wasn't cold anymore ( amazing feat in Canada). So when summer rolls around and it is sweltering I know I have to eat more cucumbers to stop the sweating.
I know this sounds odd- but when you think about it -it could possibly help.
I know of someone who gets botox shots in the sweatglands of their feet to prevent sweating into her expensive shoes !
I am sorry I don't have the list but you could probably ask a dietician or google it although googling isn't usually a good idea !
Take Care-Blue

04-10-09, 16:23
Well, I bought a sweatband for my wrist today - I'll let you know how it works!