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View Full Version : Can You Take Herbal Nytol When Taking Citalopram?

30-09-09, 21:04
HI there,i just wanted to if you can take herbal nytol when taking citalopram and i also have 20mg propanonol,at nite is the worst time where my anxiety kicks in & i have a lot of trouble getting asleep & the meds im on seems to do affect in the daytime but not nite as im always very anxious and cant sleep but as i havent yet spoke to my doc i was just wondering if any1 else has the same prob & cud help me wheather im ok to take the herbal nytol.

30-09-09, 21:44
I am sure it is fine as it is herbal but sometimes it is best to ask a doctor just to be safe

30-09-09, 21:51
I don't know about the citalopram but I'm on 30mg of propanolol aday and when I'm feeling at my worst, like exams, I take up to six kalms tablets aswell and it hasn't affected me badly. I also find kalms help me sleep too. x

13-02-10, 17:14
Does anyone know if you can take Kalm Sleep with Citalopram? :)

13-02-10, 22:04
Hi, yes I've taken them and they seem to be fine. Read various posts from other people who have taken them and they all seem to be fine. Maybe if you're worried check with your Dr first, but as I say, I've taken them with no problem. Also have taken Valerian capsules, which is one of the substances in Kalms, and these are also helpful.
Good luck

Jannie x x

13-02-10, 22:14
My Doctor will not let me take Cipralex at night he says it will keep me awake, but I take 15mgs in morning and Propranalol and they put me back to sleep, and he wont lett me change to nights, When do people take their citalopram
frpm Blossom

13-02-10, 22:19
I take mine in the morning when I first get up with some food. If I take them on empty stomach don't feel so good. When Dr first gave them to me he said to take them in the morning and have been on them for 3 months. Sleep well most nights. Have the occasional dizzy/light headed feeling in the day time at work, but not every day.

Jannie x x

13-02-10, 22:21
Forgot to say that I am on 20mg Citalopram. Used to be on Propranolol but they did not agree with me so came off them.

Jannie x

13-02-10, 23:02
Thanks Janine. :)
My Dr prescribed me Zopiclone in the beginning and I took them, but they just made me feel really groggy and just plain horrible the next day. So I've bought some Kalm Sleeps and will see how I get on with those.

I've only been on Citalopram for 2 weeks, and I'm wondering how long it takes before this spaceyheadness goes away? :wacko:


13-02-10, 23:21
Hi there Cee

I am on 20mg and have been for 3 months now. The first 2 weeks I was not well at all, heightened anxiety and panic, lost a lot of weight and just felt really unwell. I feel ok now most of the time, I still have the odd day when I have a dizzy/light headed feeling but usually can manage it. I'm off to Dr's on Friday to see if I need to up the dosage. He also gives me 2mg of Diazapam to get me through those shaky moments. But all in all I feel much better than I did 3 months ago. I was really having bad panic attacks and HA, which is my main problem, and when I look back I have probably suffered with it for years but it came to a head late last year. I am so glad my Dr put me on Citalopram because it has helped me a great deal, just need to get the dosage right.

Hope it all goes well for you. The spacey feeling in the head lasted a few weeks for me and ever so occasionally I get it still but I usually can manage those moments.

Jannie x x