View Full Version : Help - South Africa trip

30-09-09, 22:00
We've booked a trip to South Africa in January. Am not over keen on flying but the thing that's really freaked me out and sent me into panic is that I read on the internet that it's really dangerous over there. We're staying with my sister-in-law who's South African and lives there but I'm still scared, can't sleep, can't get it out of my head. I thought I was over the worst of my anxiety but it certainly seems to have come back. I'm wishing we hadn't booked to go now - it feels like a nightmare. Has anyone been there and lived to tell the tale?

Sorry, I know I'm mad and should just be excited about going on holiday but I can't get past the danger bit.


30-09-09, 22:05
Hi daisy,

Well I have friends who visited SA, particularly Cape Town and surrounding areas. They stayed with a friend who lives there and said they felt fine. I mean I think any place like that will be a little intimidating but if you are staying with someone who is familiar with the area and knows of any not so safe places, then you should be fine.

I suggest go to the bookstore and buy yourself a travel guide. They are very good and honest about the good and the bad points. I think you are worrying unnecessarily to be honest. Do some reading from a trusted source and hopefully you will feel better.

Take care
Natalie x

30-09-09, 22:56
Hi Daisy

I lived and worked in South Africa for a time, as did my sister and dad. It is true that you have to be a little more careful in certain areas. Just follow the advice of your sister-in-law and you'll be fine. She will know the local area and be aware of any places you should stay away from. The most dangerous areas are not the sort of places you will be visiting anyway (Jo'burg city centre for example).

30-09-09, 23:07
Thanks for your replies Natalie and Chips. I know I just have to get things in perspective and that I certainly shouldn't be worrying for the next three months until I go. Have ordered guide book from the library Natalie so hopefully that will put my mind at rest.

thanks again. x

01-10-09, 02:44
Hi. I stayed with my mother-in-law in Johannesburg for a month and travelled across the Transvaal to Durban. I love South Africa and had a wonderful time. Any reading you do will be influenced by the author's own perspective, so I would trust to your sister-in-law's advice whilst you are there. I'm sure she would not have invited you if she felt it was not safe for you.

Whilst I was there, I discovered that the main problems were not caused by black/white issues, but by inter-tribal conflicts. And a lot of what happened there was sensationalised in the press here. Our government have an advise site for travellers - check there if you are concerned nearer the time. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your stay. I would love to go again.

Polar Bear
01-10-09, 09:49
Hi Daisy

I visited South Africa in August staying 4 nights in Cape town. I had read and heard so much about it being dangerous (and like you was really worried about the trip) but we were fine. Yes, like everywhere, there are areas and times that you need to be careful, but I found a beautiful country with pleasant and friendly people.

I came away with brilliant memories of the country.

02-10-09, 00:06
Thanks Maddie and Polar Bear.

Your replies have reassured me a lot - that's what is so great about this site, there's always someone to help. Hearing that you've both been to South Africa and felt safe and had a good time has made me feel a lot calmer and I'm starting to look forward to going.

Thanks again. xx

PS Did either of you hire a car and drive to places while you were there? Was it easy to get around?

02-10-09, 03:29
We used my mother-in-laws car, went by train to Durban and by coach and jeep in the Masi Mara. We had no problems travelling. It is such a beautiful country. I do hope you enjoy it.

Polar Bear
02-10-09, 08:53
No didn't hire a car. Had thought about it but having now been a car would of been useful to get out around the Cape. Went on a couple of trips, a more expensive way of doing it. One taxi driver suggested a tour and we decided to do that one day. Could of done this cheaper but a great day out on a private tour tailored to what we wanted to do.

Driving does seem straightforward over there and outside the city areas big open spaces. They drive on the left as well which makes life easier, and the roads are good.

I definitely agree with Maddie that it is such a beautiful country. I'm really glad I went. Hope you have a great time.

02-10-09, 10:09
Hello :)

I have been to South Africa twice and i love it!!

Who are you flying with? i flyed with KLM ( i am also a anxious flyer) and they had soo much flight entertainment it kept my mind occupied.

My auntie lives there and my mum lives there for a year also and they have never had any problems, of course like most places you need to be careful in certain places but it never ruined my trip.

It is a beautiful country with so much to do! it is my favorite holiday destination so far! i am sure you will have a wonderful time :)

My auntie and uncle own a Bed and Breakfast there and they just drove me to where ever i wanted to go and come and collect me hours later and i felt perfectly safe.

Im sure your relatives will do the same, dont worry and have a fab time!! the last time i went was May this year but i would go again tomorow if i had the money :) xxx

02-10-09, 18:51
i grew up in the good ole RSA (Republic of South Africa) and lived there for 24 years, as others have said your sil will be able to give you the best advice but i have many friends who live in and around Sandtown/Jhb and are all fine. x x x

02-10-09, 22:06
Thanks Maddie, PolarBear, Meg and Kathee for all your replies. Was good to read your experiences of SA.

I feel much more positive about the trip now. My sister-in-law said to hire a car and I was a bit worried about that but hearing your experiences has reassured me. We are flying with BA (a friend works for them so got us a good deal on tickets) so hopefully they'll have lots of films etc to keep me entertained and stop me from worrying. I was trying to keep my worries hidden because I didn't want to frighten my daughter but she seems quite cool with everything and has friends that are going to be there at the same time so she's arranged to meet up with them in Cape Town. It's just me that worries for the whole family - thank goodness the kids haven't inherited my worrying streak. My husband is very laid back so thankfully they're like him in that respect!

Thanks again all of you.

daisy xxx:bighug1: