View Full Version : Got myself in a right state........

30-09-09, 22:19
I have got myself in a total state - I know I am going to have to make another doctor's appointment but am scared to go as have convinced myself that this is it....

About 5 weeks ago I felt short of breath and went to docs, chest clear - I suffer from anxiety so accepted this was the cause...

A few days later developed a chesty cough and actually felt a bit better as chest not so tight. Started coughing up phlem which gradually went through all colours from clear to green and although I was very wheezy and coughing I thought this would pass - being an anxiety sufferer, I hate going to docs as I feel that I am wasting their time and that they'll think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill so didn't go back for a few weeks despite feeling shocking. Last week I was so fed up of being breathless that I went to see the doc about cough and she presecribed a strong dose of antibioticsfor chest infection (amoxycillin 500mg). Anyway the next day I developed a headache when I coughed but this didn't surprise me as straining so hard when coughing I assumed it was a trigger. The next day I got some vag bleeding (not period) while straining for a poo (sorry!) and wanted to check it was vag and not other so felt inside and felt a lump on my cervix which led to huge panic! The headache (one side) is worse having spread from just temple to all along the side and I made the mistake of googling it which said that coughing headaches are rare in people under 50 and are often due to complications with the brain. In addition to this I have had a pain in my tailbone and bum for months but it isn't awful, just kinda there - now this headache with the long term cough, back pain and lump on cervix has made me really scared that I have got something terrible, metastatic (Sp) cancer or something and I am terrified.......of course now I keep needing to go to the loo causing more bleeding but the bowel opening is caused by fear I know.

Rationally I have tried to tell myself:

Cough - chest infection but length of time it has lasted is scaring me
Headache - normal when having had infection..(god I hope so)
Lump on cervix - had smear 5 months ago and was clear but have had genital warts in the past so could be that??
Bum pain - fell down the stairs about 5 months ago, landed really badly was sore for a few days then fine and pain came on about a month later so could be related....?

On top of this have started a new teaching job in upper primary at a VERY challengning school and obv am feeling stressed and have no time to actually recover from bad chest in first place so feel very run down - I am sure anxiety exacerbates it all. Would feel like and idiot going to the doc and reeling off these symptoms....but deep down I am really scared that he'll tell me I'm dying.

I know that no-one can actually tell me it's all ok or not but wanted to get it down as am so scared.... http://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/sad.gif I just keep crying as I know I need to get checked out but am terrified there will be nothing they can do as I have a cancer which has spread....What will I do - I know no-one wants to die and it does happen but I keep looking at my kids and being paralysed with fear.

01-10-09, 01:02
Didn't want to read and run just wanted to give :bighug1:

01-10-09, 08:57
Please dont think you are wasting your doctor's time. I always think this myself whatever I go for. You are obviously very stressed with your new job which is making things worse but you need to go back to put your mind at rest. I am sure that your symptoms can be easily explained even though at the moment they seem very serious.

I get headaches all the time and have had coughs in the past which have gone on for months. And us ladies do have some odd symptoms from time to time.

Make an appointment and go back and get checked out.

Thinking of you and hope you feel better soon.