View Full Version : Ovulation pain - ladies

30-09-09, 22:28
Since a teenager I have suffered right sided ovulation pain nearly every month, from lasting hours to 10 days. I call it my walking on eggs pain as everytime I stand up or sit down or walk or just before I wee I get stabbing pain very low down in right side going up over hip. Its always been exactly same pain so I recognise it straight away. I am now 48 yrs old and past 2 yrs have been perimeno and everything has been screwed up - either no periods for months or bleeding constantly for months but wondefully no ovulation pain for past year. Up to my going haywire I could predict the pain fairly well and it always ended on day 14 of cycle but that went out of window when perimeno struck.
Between FEb and June this year I developed a ovarian cyst size of orange on right side but had mri and ultrasounds and told it was totally benign, even had the ca125 test. Because of my age gyny said moniter it every 4 months with scan and blood test and any changes and I will have a hysterectomy.
I was due to have next check up at end of oct but a week ago I got my ovulation pain back and panicked and rang for earlier appt which is next week. The pain is exactly same as I have had since a teenager but I am panicking that my cyst is going to burst before I see gyny or get my scan.
I have moved house and area and new Drs who seem nice but they don't know or aren't mentioning my HA. I was trying not to start off with new Drs by being in a panic.
I am telling myself that a week today I will see the gyny but how do I put up with this pain which I know from experience can get bad.

01-10-09, 09:56
I know it's hard not to worry but it does sound like the ovulation pain. I used to get it every month as well until I went on the contraceptive pill. As you've said you haven't gone through the menopause fully so are still going to get times when you get ovulation pain as you are still ovulating.

Just a thought but have you thought of asking your Dr if you can have a mirena coil? Mum had one of these put in 6 years ago and hasn't had a period since and it's taken her through the menopause with barely a symptom (she's 52 this year).

Cell block H fan
01-10-09, 13:37
My sister had that coil fitted & thought it was great. No periods, its brilliant. She had to stop using it after about 5 years though because she ended up getting spotting, that wouldn't stop til the coil was taken out. The jab did the same to me where the stopping the periods is concerned, I loved that, but that caused terrible mood swings so I couldn't use it for more than about a year.
I am pretty sure ive got what I personally call a grumbling ovarian cyst, & ive had pain on the left side off & on since I was about 20. I'm 38 now. I'm fully expecting it to get worse as I get older. But if I had the choice I would have a hysterectomy & ovary removal tomorrow! I'm am fed up with it all & have all the children I want now. Gyne problems are rife in our family. I swear things like that run in families! x