View Full Version : Tooth problems!

01-10-09, 01:32
So I finally went to the dentist today. It turns out I may have "some infection" under the tooth I had a root canal in like 4 years ago. The dentist wasn't very reassuring, saying things like "We didn't do the root canal, so we're referring you to an endodontist to get it checked out." She deigned to comment much on it, except saying that it looked small in the xray. The receptionist (or nurse, I'm not sure what exactly) told me that there's a standard procedure for this, it's just an infection, they cut open the gums and take out the inflammation. She also said that the dentist didn't think the infection was severe at this point, because I wasn't prescribed any antibiotics.

Now I have to call the endodontist tomorrow and schedule an appointment. I'm just afraid that in the time between now and when I get the procedure (uncertain when), it'll become worse. Has anyone experienced problems like this before? I know it's probably not a big deal and everything will be fine within a month, but it does scare me. My mom and grandpa had root canal procedures, but they didn't get infections afterward. I just want some reassurance that I'm ultimately going to be okay.

01-10-09, 02:09
I've had work like this done and been fine. It can take a long time and affect other teeth if dentists do work when there is infection in the gums, so they seem to always err on the side of caution now and not just dole out antibiotics. Good luck!

01-10-09, 03:50
I'm sorta nervous. Not about the procedure, but about my dental hygiene. I feel like I haven't kept good oral hygiene and may suffer as a result. I have 5 cavities to be filled! Do I have anything SERIOUS to worry about? There have been numerous times when I've gone for a few days without brushing, and times when I brush daily. If I just change my habits and maintain good oral hygiene, will I have nothing to worry about (notably, after I get my fillings and my second root canal treatment)? I'm always scared that through my lifestyle, I've done permanent serious damage to my body. I'm 21, I can still change, right?

(Having panic disorder makes me feel like Scrooge seeing the ghost of Christmas Future)

01-10-09, 11:52
I had a root canal filling about 7yrs ago. All was fine afterwards, apart from the fact that I seemed to develop a bony lump on the side of my gum :ohmy:

However after a couple of years I once again developed pain and sensitivity to hot and cold liquids so I went back to the dentist. They did an X ray and told me that all the nerves in the tooth hadn't been taken out when the root canal was done. Apparently this is quite common, I think she said the nerves had calcified or something like that.

I had some antibiotics and it settled down but it still plays up now and again and when it's very bad I get what I can only describe as a small gum boil where the bony growth is. My dentist tells me that this is an infection finding the easiest way out of the root and that as long as it doesn't give me lots of pain to just leave it.

sarah jayne
01-10-09, 13:16
I know exactly what your going through, im having problems with my teeth at the moment. Ive got 2 have 2 root cananls next week, im dreading it ! I never looked after my teeth when i was younger and am really regretting it now. Im 28 and most of my teeth have fillings, they dont look 2 bad as ive got a good dentist and have had loads of work done on them over the past few years but i do worry...x

01-10-09, 17:14
I have an endodontist consultation on Oct 28... I'm so worried that this problem will get more serious in that time. I really want some reassurance that dental problems aren't usually too bad.

I know I'm probably being overly worried... I have mild pain (not constant) and mild sensitivity to temperature. I can still eat with the tooth. Though it somewhat scares me that I technically don't know what's going on... and won't know for a month. Heeeelp!

01-10-09, 20:41
Why do you have to wait a month for an appointment with an endodontist? They are used to seeing people with toothaches and usually will see you the same day, if not the next. Can you go to a different one? Get recommendations from other dentists where you live? That just seems unreasonable.

01-10-09, 21:24
Because there are only like 2 endodontists in Ithaca, apparently? I haveno idea. Maybe i should look again…

01-10-09, 22:51
I just want to confirm something: if there's something REALLY wrong with my mouth (i.e., really bad infection or something), symptoms will almost certainly present themselves? Like, a MAJOR problem wouldn't present as mild pain and mild sensitivity, but it could develop into something more urgent if left untreated for an extensive period of time? I've been freaking out a bit too much about this and I really need reassurance because my appointment is in a month. Thanks.

01-10-09, 23:24
if you only have mild pain i wouldn't think it's anything serious, it would be a lot more painful i would think to be really serious.

Just keep brushing morning and night and use a decent mouth wash and you should be fine till your appointment.

02-10-09, 04:38
One more thing. Another symptom I've noticed (and didn't tell the dentist) is that since the tooth pain started, I've also gotten very mild earaches on occasion. I know for a fact that this is connected to the tooth pain, since a long time ago I got my wisdom teeth out, got an infection which gave me a fever and the most painful earache ever. Should this be any cause for worry (i.e., does it mean the infection is really bad at this point)? I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow, for a checkup, so I'll certainly mention this. Thanks!

04-10-09, 10:01

I can identify with you as I am having tooth issues at the moment also. I am not an expert but I think that if you had a serious infection you would know about it, i.e you would be in a lot of pain. If your dentist thought it was something serious he would not have left things and would have given you anitbiotics stright away.

I think the ear pain could be linked to the tooth pain as I also am getting some mild earache at times. What did your doc say?

I hope you are feeling better.

05-10-09, 18:00
she thinks the ear pain is related to a jaw issue. My jaw sort of "clicks" or pops whenever I open it. I'm not too worried about the tooth pain anymore. The doctor prescribed me some penicillin which she said I should take if I get a fever or swelling, this was mostly a measure to make me feel better. Today the tooth was PARTICULARLY sensitive to cold, but the roof of my mouth is also sort of... burnt, probably from some pizza I ate yesterday. It seemed to die down a bit after taking a nap. We'll see how I am later. Off to class now.

19-10-09, 19:10
I can relate. I've had a lot of mouth problems including 2 serious infections and an infected wisdom tooth. When you have a serious mouth infection you REALLY know about it, it's agony. The second time I had a bad infection I couldn't eat for over a week :( Hope your problem gets sorted out soon, I'm sure you are in good hands. If there was anything really wrong the dentist wouldn't have let you wait so long to be seen. Moonlight X