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01-10-09, 02:09
HI all just stumbled across the site looking for ectopic heartbeats, little bit a bout myself suffered anxiety and panick attacks many years ago been anxiuos al my life but they left me 4 a few years, that was until dec 2008 wen i was diagnosed with diabetes and WPW,s at same time. Well i had op 4 WPW in feb this year and not long after, the anxiety panick attacks came back more severe than any previous attacks. Seen doc bout it and he prescribed me diazepam, then citalopram, then mirtazepine all ov which i did not take becos i fear taking them cos many members ov my family have been addicted 2 SSRI,s and i believe my brother actually killed himself due to those things messing his head up, and thts wen the 1st panick attacks started. Now i know wats brought all the anxiety bk on but i just cant cope with them anymore, its the fear ov dying suddenly or earlier with these 2 probs that i have. Any suggestions on any ov the above would be much appreciated. thanx in advance Andrew:scared15:

01-10-09, 02:22
Hello and welcome to NMP.

There's loads of information on here if you look through the main menu and I'm sure you will soon receive replies from people with similar worries. Just one thing - you say you found NMP when looking for ectopic heartbeats - everyone on here will tell you that the very worst thing you can do is google medical complaints. A sore toe nail ends up with fears of a leg amputation!! Do look on here first.