View Full Version : Happiness

Desprate Dan
01-10-09, 06:46
Hi everyone,

I have been trying really hard to get myself free from this tangled web of Misery, Anxiety, Depression. I have had some great help from this forum and the lovely caring people who make it such a lovely place to visit..:)

I have now for years kept things locked away deep inside and built up barriers to protect myself from hurt from others, through the way i have been treated in the past i lost all my confidence in people and most of all in the confidence in myself..

I owe it to myself to break down these walls and let happiness back into my life once again, but the walls are thick and i am having difficulty breaking through them, i am not strong enough on my own thats were the great people on this forum are helping me..
Laughter and my sense of humor are none existent at the moment and have been locked away for so many years deep inside but i know they are still in there somewere its just finding them and unlocking them and setting them free.

I have came such along way already, for years i kept my troubles deep inside and didnt like to share them or burden others for fear of what they would think of me, even i couldn't face the doctors.

When i was 14 i found a lump down below, i convinced myself i had testicular cancer because i knew of nothing else it could of been, i was shy and selfconcious and i new i couldn't face speaking to anyone about it, so i kept it hidden away deep inside for 10 years "yes 10 years" but every day it fested in my mind when would my symptoms worsen and would i make it through to my next birthday, and when would i die, it was really sad and upsetting for me when i think back to what might of been and how selfish i was to not seek help because of being so frightened.

The people on this forum gave me strength i needed to goto the doctors and tell him about this lump, although i still found it extremely hard to do i knew that the special caring people on this forum were behind me and that gave me "strength" and the doctor examined me and said i had a epidyimal cyst and it was totally harmless.......Phew
10 years of unnecessary worry, thats why i need to find my happiness and zest for life its no good locking things away to save you from pain because all it will do is fester and cause you more pain in the longterm.. I think i have made massive steps so far and i know with the help of the great people on here i will continue to do so.:)

I owe you all a great big :bighug1:

Thank you


01-10-09, 09:37
Hey dan its great you want to break the barriers :) I myself have always been open about problems etc which is why im finding it hard to handle my illness as people can cope better by talking yet i already talk about it!

Good luck :)

Desprate Dan
01-10-09, 09:58
I really feel for you Joellie, it must really be hard, i have set myself targets and i will break down these walls and be happy once again :)

It must be difficult if you have no walls to breakdown.. were do you start, all i can say is that my thoughts are with you everyday, and it upsets me to see others feeling so down.. Remember like i said to Bill "One FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE" we will get through these troubled times together.. Stay strong and try as hard as it may seem at times to be positive.. :hugs:


01-10-09, 11:04
Thanks dan, yeah i know, i just feel like talking doesnt ever sooth my problems and sometimes i just feel a bit crazy lol but then im pretty sure thats happened to everyone.

02-10-09, 02:01
I have had some great help from this forum and the lovely caring people who make it such a lovely place to visit..:smile:
I owe you all a great big :bighug1:

Thank you

There's only ONE person who Really Deserves a BIG Thank you because without her, none of us would even know each other, let alone be able to support each other............and that's our Nic who created this wonderful website to help ALL of us. Without all the time and work she's put into this site, we'd have NO caring people to thank.

However, she didn't just create this site, she (and not forgetting her loyal team who work behind the scenes!) have also been an immense help to me in the past so "thank you" will never be enough.:hugs:

"One (NIC) FOR ALL (US) AND ALL (US) FOR ONE (NIC)" Just need our feathered hats, and swords to hold up together to salute our "Queen Nic"......but maybe a flower will do!:flowers:

Desprate Dan
02-10-09, 07:48
I have had some great help from this forum and the lovely caring people who make it such a lovely place to visit..:smile:
I owe you all a great big :bighug1:

Thank you

There's only ONE person who Really Deserves a BIG Thank you because without her, none of us would even know each other, let alone be able to support each other............and that's our Nic who created this wonderful website to help ALL of us. Without all the time and work she's put into this site, we'd have NO caring people to thank.

However, she didn't just create this site, she (and not forgetting her loyal team who work behind the scenes!) have also been an immense help to me in the past so "thank you" will never be enough.:hugs:

"One (NIC) FOR ALL (US) AND ALL (US) FOR ONE (NIC)" Just need our feathered hats, and swords to hold up together to salute our "Queen Nic"......but maybe a flower will do!:flowers:

Here Here...:flowers: another flower for Nic and the team, who help us all to help each other....:hugs:
