View Full Version : been wobbly all day

30-10-05, 18:31
Me again sorry , iam still in a panic and have been all day , my tummy is flipping and i feel sick . i cant take much more of this .iam trying to distract myself but the feelings are getting in the way

30-10-05, 18:52
Hi Mazz,
Sorry you are still feeling so awful, you mentioned earlier about a late night yesterday, what you need to do tonight is, make sure you have eaten, drink plenty of water, watch a film/dvd, and if poss. get an early night? Nothing worse will happen to you, you have felt bad all day, please try to relax (easier said than done i know)and go to bed knowing that tomorrow you will feel better than today. take care and keep in touch. xxxxxxxx

30-10-05, 21:20
thanks carlin iam trying so hard

30-10-05, 21:29
thanks again just to say iam calming down , think iam just tired xx

30-10-05, 23:37
Hi Mazz sorry you feel like this I used to feel like this all the time too. specialy the tummy upsets and hated the feeling dizzy. but it does go Mazz. I had a good few months feeling much better and I think the trick was keepng bussy and try to acheive something every day so you can be pleased with what you done. Tis was fine while the weather was good and light nights so I could stay outdoors in the garden until late and got myself tired. But this cant be done now as its nearly dark by 5pm and not nice weather too, so I realy do think we feel worst in the winter months. It does seem so much better in summer when we wake and see it nice and bright and sunny in olace of horrid wet cloudy weather? hope you feel better soon and take care. Vernon

31-10-05, 09:49
Are you feeling any better this morning Mazz?

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-10-05, 14:29
Ah Mazz I'm so sorry I wasn't around for you yesterday - I was too busy feeling sorry for myself. You've got my mobile number ok so whenever you need me you make sure you use it.

I hope today went ok for you.

Take care chicken and I'll speak to you later

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)