View Full Version : Strange feelings when about to sleep??

01-10-09, 08:19
Ok, i try to explain what i mean!

Yesterday i got some strange feeling when i went to bed. I had been on the edge all day and didnt feel very well.
Suddenly i got some bad rushes through my head and body, they only lasted a second or two.
At the same time i felt like i lost all the air and i had to catch my breath.

After this i got dizzy and felt so sick and scared. So tensed allover.

What is this? Do you know, or have you had the same anyone?

Best wishes to all of you.

01-10-09, 16:36
I have gotten this many times. Mine happens right as I'm able to drift off to sleep. However, I don't have the dizziness or feel sick after. It's very frightening but I've had it so many times, it doesn't scare me as much as it used to.


magpie girl
01-10-09, 19:38
Hi dazo i used to get this all the time,and it only happend when my body was relaxed,and i was about to drop off to sleep.Its a sudden rush of anxiety,my heart would pound straight after and i would feel dizzy and sick.

01-10-09, 19:47
I get this quite often especially when stressed. I used to feel dizzy and a bit nauseous after, but I think that was a panic reaction to the feeling. Now I know what it is I don't get in so much of a panic and just let it settle. I think it is a very common symptom......nonetheless upsetting, I know.

sarah jayne
01-10-09, 19:58
Ive had this a quite a few times when ive been drifting off to sleep, at first it really frightened me and to be honest it still does a little bit because it happens when i least expect it to, ive sort of got used to it now though...x

01-10-09, 20:32
Thank you everyone!

Soon time for bed again and sadly i have this nasty creeping feeling inside again. Like i have a hard time to catch my breath.
Now i know i am not alone with this. Thanks.

02-10-09, 21:12
Just letting you know you are not alone!
I get this when my anxiety is high...sonetimes for nights on end. When it happens it feels like my heart has stopped, I get weird sensations thru my body & head & i have to sit up to breathe. I have to yawn on purpose to get a breath. Feels like I can't get enough air (also palps) & the next day my chest feels really funny - really hard to describe! when it was at it's worst it was happening up to 30 times a night & I actually went to A&E!! Madness! I've never felt sick with it but it's a frightening thing to experience especially when you feel kile you cant breathe! xx

03-10-09, 22:54
I actually had this last night and it hadn't happened for a while. I had a very upsetting stressful day. Anyway, I was trying to sleep and I noticed my breathing was getting nice and relaxed when all of a sudden I felt like my head vibrated for a second or two. I literally think that if someone was watching me they would have seen my head jerk. At the same time I felt it my arm kinda jerked and I kind of felt a tingle in my hand and I think my foot. It only lasted a second or two but really scared the Heck out of me.

I almost thought that maybe it was like a seizure or something. It was over so fast. I have had it with just the weird rush feeling before but this was kind of different. I managed to go to sleep without it happening again. I know people get hypnic jerks, but I think this is different. Usually with that your legs jerk. This felt so concentrated in my head.

Anyone ever had it feel like I described?

so jems like
06-10-09, 03:15
I have felt this too. Right when you think you're going to fall asleep, this strange feeling just rushes from your head to your toes. I also feel like I have to gasp for air. My reaction is to just suddenly get out of bed and shake off the sensation and just take deep breaths and get more relaxed before I go to bed again. Don't worry about anything! It was hard for me to get used too.. Still is. But you just gotta tell yourself that it's nothing to worry about :) It's just your body not used to being so relaxed.

06-10-09, 11:02
Ummm....That is what you call a panic attack. Night times can be nortorious for these. Next time it starts say to yourself, "oh here we go, i've been expecting you! Yup there goes the traditional rush, oh hang on, now should begin the breathing etc, how boring this is every night but go on show me more and hurry the hell up because im tired and planning on getting some sleep!" Do this routinely and you will notice the symptoms will become weaker until they are no more!!

06-10-09, 11:16
omg...i thought only i got this...yes it happens now and than with me especially when im worrying about things and go to sleep.

06-10-09, 12:18
2 Years ago, I woke up severely dizzy and was terrified. Felt like it went on for 30 years when it was only, probably, 30 seconds!! I have since been told it was positional vertigo although I was in an anxiety state at the time. In fact I am just getting over anxiety that I have had for 3 years!! Anyway since then, I have had milder attacks of dizziness, loss of balance, moving (when I am not) and such like. This has frightened me to death as I always thought that I was safe in bed from virtually anything. Now after the dizziness I had 2 years ago, I am frightened every time I go to sleep.

08-10-09, 19:19
Hello everyone, another GAD victim here :D I experience those funny things as every one of you. I thought I died because my heart had stopped about 1 year ago.
The anxiety is gone now but I usually feel weak now and have ectopic beats. They scare the hell out of me... Especially when I go to bed it was a nightmare without sleep for me when they first started, and still I am frightened by them. I constantly feel my heart will skip one beat then another then will stop! :O and oh that terrible feeling when you are right about to dive into sleep... I am trying to get used to them, nothing else I can do. I only want to believe they are harmless, and seeing many many people have these, I am sure they are harmless :) Try to let go

08-10-09, 19:45
I must admit I get it when just about to nod off or if I wake suddenly in the night.

08-10-09, 19:49
Oh my goodness, I also thought I was the only one to get these strange feelings when I am going to sleep. You have also described it perfectly by the way, I often find it hard to explain it to my doctor or my sister exactly what the feeling is like. I seem to go through stages of suffering from one symptom for a couple of weeks, then moving on to another, then another. It's like the symptoms are on some sort of rotation! When I get this at night, I usually find it impossible to sleep, so I end up getting up and watching tv until 4 or 5 in the morning, then I am up again at 6.30. This usually perpetuates the anxiety because I am exhausted and then get into a cycle of dreading nightfall coming again. It's a horrible thing to go through so I know how you are feeling :)

08-10-09, 20:17
well said keleb, allthough sometimes not that easy. is definately the way to go though, force your thought process to run like keleb suggests, it really does work.

09-10-09, 16:22
I agree with you. Sometimes it's not easy, ha.

11-10-09, 12:42
Panic attacks feed from fear. So when you feel a sensation you are basically letting yourself know that there is danger approaching which there begins the flight or fight response, hence all the buzzing, rushing, beating feelings. Once these are in full effect you start to worry about them which then starts making you think OMG this is it and it grows bigger!! If you learn to acknowledge these sensations as normal anxiety at the beginning, and label them as that you can stop the next step which we all hate! It takes practice but is well worth it!
Kel x

24-10-09, 15:15
Great thread and posts, so re-assuring to read these messeges as I am currently experiencing jolts and head zaps before trying to sleep too. I have had around 3-4 hours sleep in past 4 days whilst having these symptoms.

Good to read that not alone in getting them as they scare the life out of me and then cause a slight panic.
