View Full Version : Up and down like a Yo Yo

Desprate Dan
01-10-09, 09:44
Does any of you great people suffer this??

One day i'm up the next day i'm down.....:weep:

I am on 20mg Citalopram and i cant seem to find were i am, am i happy or am i sad..

Take today i feel on top of the world "But why" not that i am complaining far from it, because nothing has changed since yesturday when i felt so down in the dumps and i felt a very nervouse type feeling through my body all day and felt sick and was trembling..:shrug:

Now today hey "What a beautiful day and a beautiful world" :yesyes:

Yesturday i written a letter to read out to my doctor when i go see him as i always forget to mention something, but if i written it today i would have a diffrent letter to read as i feel so good....

Does anyone else have these days were they feel so on top of the world only to brought crashing down the next day with terrible anxiety like symptoms..

If only i could feel the way i do now forever, i would be so happy..:D

Not at all Desprate (today) Dan.

01-10-09, 12:12
Yeh thats exactly like me, except I get longer periods of feeling really well to the point I think I might have "recovered" but it all just seems to come crashing down around me overnight and I'm in a state again. I think maybe the better days the stress/worries etc are still there building up, but hidden away underneath so you can't feel it. I know I can still worry about things when I'm having a good day/phase, but its like I think "Look I can worry but its not making me feel really anxious", but I suppose really its storing up tension until bam, it all comes back to bite me on the bum!
I'm glad you're having a good day today, lets hope it lasts and even if it doesn't you will get through the bad days because you have before. A good day will be just around the corner again, and you're always recovering, even with bad days. Take care :)

01-10-09, 12:32
Hi Dan - classic symptons of depression - you're not on your own. This is how I have been ever since I can remember and no matter how hard you try to understand it or explain it to loved ones you can't. Enjoy the good days and try to keep focused on the bad days - the mind is a very complex machine! Good luck and enjoy your day - at least the sun is shining (here).:flowers:

01-10-09, 21:39
Hi Dan
Yeah i know what you mean, I've even been dreading having good days because I know a bad ones just round the corner! How stupid is that! I'm trying to enjoy each day as it comes but with some difficulty. But your not alone. Hope you have a good day tommorrow.

02-10-09, 12:41

You are certainly not alone. I am very sensitive to good things, and more so to bad things. A couple of minor positives can make me embarressingly happy; then the next day some minor annoyance occurs and I want to just go to bed and sleep for hours.