View Full Version : Please help..fear of losing cognitive abilities

01-10-09, 10:14
Have been going through anxiety for a while now. Tried the Linden method and had partial success.
But now I have this massive feeling and fear. I have a fear that I will forget how to talk, how to walk, how to eat, and how to understand language and people. I then convince myself that i have a wasting disease and am going to end up a vegetable. Has anyone experienced this? Is this just anxiety?Im so scared im somehow losing all these cognitive abilities. Docs say it is anxiety and depression


01-10-09, 10:28
Hi Stevepound

I think the most important thing is that as you say, you have a FEAR that these things are going to happen. Therefore these are only thoughts that you are having. Try and recognise the difference between you and your thoughts. You are more than your thoughts and fears.

I find that anxiety and depression makes me pay loads of attention to certain thoughts that I have and i get very upset and obsessive over these thoughts. But I have found over time that these thoughts tend to fade and are replaced by other horrible ideas and from this I can see that it isnt the thoughts that are important , its the attention that you are giving them. Try your very best not to get caught up in these thoughts and lets them brush of you knowing that they are just symptoms of anxiety and nothing else

Hope your okay


01-10-09, 10:54
thank you lisa. Its just astronomical how these thoughts feel. When i actually think about not being able to walk, i actually find it hard to do it. its messed up

anxious elephant999
01-10-09, 11:30
Hi i have this problem alot at the moment i have constant dizziness and then i have thoughts about not being able to walk , eat and talk and sometimes like you say it really does feel like you cant do these things sometimes i find it really hard to talk and walk and i feel like im going to forget who people are and what there names are and then i really freak out as i think im losing it , so your not alone with that one :ohmy:

01-10-09, 11:54
yesyes but is that just the anxiety?

anxious elephant999
01-10-09, 12:38
i dont know but when i get it , i dont think it is :ohmy:

01-10-09, 13:40

What are you worrying that it could be causing the thoughts?

As far as feeling like its happening when you think about it......do the pysicial feelings happen when you are fully engaged in thinking or doing something else?


01-10-09, 14:34
the thoughts happen at anytime. sometimes when im busy it seems fine.

01-10-09, 15:14

I get it a lot and its definately caused by anxiety for me. I have fixated on lots of weird and wonderfull concerns about what is going to happen to me physically and mentally and none of them have. I worried that i had a mental disorder a lot before and used to be very aware of my thoughts all the time and felt like if i thought something then it would or was happening, but it wasnt and hasnt.

Im sure its part of anxiety, its an anxiety symptom. When i was very depressed and anxious before i used to have total fog brain all the time, couldnt even wash the dishes at one point. But i realise now it wasnt that i couldnt think how to do it, i just couldnt focus away from my anxiety to actually do it but my mental faculties were all still there, just busy dealing with anxiety and depression!!

I really think you have 100% anxiety and that is causing you thoughts and worries


01-10-09, 15:18
Just had this fear dude i thought i was going to forget my dad and how scary it would be and i fear the same as you loosing my five senses and speech i know how it fells man

01-10-09, 15:51
well i was told by people at linden centre that its part of depersonalization, so i hope they and doctors are right!

01-10-09, 17:13
Totally agree!
