View Full Version : Bad habits picked up with anxiety?

01-10-09, 12:09
Does anybody get bad habits with anxiety and nerves? I keep rubbing my eyes which makes them sore and I keep grinding or licking and my teeth and end up paying too much attention to my mouth. I also get random bursts of excitement and get embarrassed easily by mistakes and horrible thoughts.

Anybody else get this? :wacko:

01-10-09, 12:20
Same! I keep clicking my knuckles, biting my nails, jiggling my knees up and down. And often when i feel a little better i get a bit over excitied and say stuff that doesnt make sence :S

01-10-09, 12:29
I wring my hands together a lot and cross my legs so they're nearly in a knot! When i get a brief spell in the day of feeling better I chatter like a budgie 'cos I'm so pleased to feel normal! People must think I'm really weird! (suppose I am!)x:blush:

01-10-09, 14:20
I have so many bad habits- the knuckles on my left hand have callouses where I rub them when nervous. I also have to trim my nails really short on my left thumb as I also rub against my right thumb and can lose a layer of skin before I notice it if my nail is too long.

01-10-09, 15:04
I have so many bad habits- the knuckles on my left hand have callouses where I rub them when nervous. I also have to trim my nails really short on my left thumb as I also rub against my right thumb and can lose a layer of skin before I notice it if my nail is too long.

I done that to my toe nail and had to go to the doctors as it swollen up.

Another bad habit I have is the urge to do the toilet in bits. I use to go to the toilet once or twice now it's like back and forth every 10 mins in little bits.

Not to mention obsessing over smells and being clean. I'm worried I'll do my body damage by all this anxiety.

01-10-09, 16:28
Oh no don't get me started on my toilet habits! I'm at the loo a million times a day. Before I was only able to leave if I hadn't had anything at all to drink so I could tell myself I didn't need to pee because I hadn't had anything to drink.

magpie girl
01-10-09, 19:43
I crack my knuckles,without even realising it,then on a good day i can jabber on about anything to anybody :D And as for toilet habits im suprised i dont have a donut bum as i sit on the loo that often:blush: :blush: :blush: