View Full Version : worried

30-10-05, 19:45
Hi all,
It`s been a while since i posted last time .Since i started working i felt better and over the summer i was feeling really good, i would come on the site every now and than to read a few posts but it wouldn`t be for long cause i was scared i`m not still well enough to get involved in the posts and not slip back into thinking of symptoms.Anyway, things were doing well, then the bird flu scare started playing on my mind but i was still sort of ok , scared and planning all kinds of plots to protect myself and my husband lol few nightmares but that was all .
And than last Monday I went out shopping...Walking down the street I just started feeling hot and sweating, feeling a bit sick and I got this feeling in my eyes like they`re strained. It was a horrible day , very dark clouds windy but warm and i had a jumper on so i went into the first shop to get something lighter , anything so i could take off the jumper. I was too scared to go back home on my own so I stayed in town for another 3 hours , waiting for my mother-in-law to finish at the hairdressers and i got a skirt and top i was out to buy but since the whole day was a disaster that had to be as well so the skirt was way too big and the top was too tight lol
It was awful, I had a feeling in my head like i`ve been doing heavy exercize , hot. I don`t feel right ever since than. I still feel the ache right above my eyes and my eyes feel very strained, it also make me feel a bit sick and i feel a bit off food. I feel much worse during the day and I feel really deperessed ahen i wake up. Been to the doctors on Friday , told her what I felt in my eyes and how i have attacks of hotness every now and then and since my temperature was a bit on the higher side she told me i have a bit of a flu,although i don`t have anything like sore throat,cough,runny nose or anything...She said it`s not bad so if i feel like it i can still work.I was a bit shocked really and I found it really strange , i do feel bad but it`s nothing like i imagined flu would be...That was friday and I still feel the same....I`m also expecting my period which too can make me feel yucky and i`ve been trying to find out how can that affect your body temperature cause it was just a tiny bit higher than normal.
I`m just feeling like i`m falling right back to where i was before cause this is making me feel so scared...and depressed as i haven`t felt for a long time...Anyone felt anything like this? It`s just strange that it did start with the panic attack or something like that because i`m sure that is what happened in town, what else could start so sudden....

Sorry guys for being so detailed :)



30-10-05, 23:28
I know EXACTLY how you feel... I also was doing really well for awhile... The eye thing is terrible... I have been feeling like I am coming down with something for days now... I havnt actually gotten anything... just feel the eye pressure, and dizziness. I guess the bottem line is we will have good days and bad days... We just have to accept that as life. Someone mentioned before that everyone has bad days... Just us panickers cant handle things being a little "off" for a few days. We just need to accept it as part of life that sometimes we wont feel well... and there may not even be a known reason for it, other than the fact that we are human. It is so hard to keep going on days like this... But we just have to remember that it will pass.

31-10-05, 11:10
Thanks for that Heidi,it makes it easier knowing someone understands how you feel...I have this moments when i feel like i don`t know what`s happening to me and i feel depressed and scared and i worry the most cause my temp was raised a bit , it wasn`t much but enough to put me in this state where i feel like something`s so wrong with me and it`s frightening. I never really panicked too much having a bad cold or something like that, but what i feel now is different . I am scared of what it might be or that it`s not gonna go away but i think i am even more scared of feeling depressed

31-10-05, 15:06
Mila ,

You had an off day - not even a blip.

Light was horrible and headache inducing, PMT, too warm and uncomfy..

Today is another day - put yesterday behind you and move on.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-10-05, 15:17
Hi Milla
I think i know what you mean.I feel sometimes as if i might disappear into a dark tunnel and never be able to get out.
Its awful but you will have better days youve got to believe that
Hunny x