View Full Version : Sensitivity

01-10-09, 12:32
I was wondering how many people on here (not just general anxiety sufferers, as its posted in this forum but all types of anxiety sufferers) consider themselves to be extremely sensitive? I don't just mean in the sense that you are sensitive as in getting upset or hurt easily but sensitive to others and things around you? I tend to "absorb" others moods like a sponge even without trying and I am really affected by tiny things in my enviroment that I can imagine other people don't even notice. I base all my decisions on feelings rather then logic, things have to "feel" right but I couldn't pinpoint why they feel right or wrong they just do. It actually makes life hard as you never know where you stand with emotions and feelings.
I don't know if this is caused by anxiety but I don't think so as I used to be like it as a child before I even got anxious. Example, if I got offered the most amazing job, with really good pay, really close to where I live and perfect in everyway, but I walked in there and it didn't feel "right" I couldn't accept it!! I wouldn't even be able to tell you why either! I don't know if there would be some genuine reason why or its just my mind projecting my thoughts fears and emotions onto something, anyway it drives me mad sometimes.
Hope I've explained okay, does anyone else get the same kind of thing?

01-10-09, 12:41
Oh i am abosolutly the same! I cant watch tv if it has drama in it. Its only since i got anxiety though so it must be linked. I tried watching eastenders the other night and i had to turn it off as it mixed all my emotions up.

Im stuck watching cartoons for now lol because they dont portray serious human emotion :S

01-10-09, 21:44
Hi Charlotte,
Can deffinitely relate to you, however just wanted to ask you have your feelings/instincts normally been right? I am normally a good judge of people but since being depressed have not felt the instincts and let a few people close, now I'm feeling a little better my feelings are screaming not to trust them.

01-10-09, 22:12
Yes!lol Omg im stuck on the disney channel at the moment. Luckily my boyfriend doesnt mind because he likes disney films and also i watch nickleodeon so spongebob etc because the emotions are always humourous! Normally if he wants to see a film with emotion that effects me i just try to fall asleep through it :\ although we watched rear window and it was fine. Very good film actually.

I find unless the songs are upbeat and not about relationships i can listen to them lol Like "Sonny" by bony M is my ultimate feel good song. But im like a sponge to all emotions of people etc. Hate aruging, cant watch tv! It makes my distraction plan not work because i have nothing to distract myself! lol

Also i resort to playing neo pets games because they are easy to get into.

14-12-09, 01:14
thats a tricky one char , hmmm . well i think thoughts shud be based on common sense too , i mean if i rly wanna do sumthin i will do it regardless. but i have had some cases where something doesnt feel right ? and i think at times ts cos im not ready for it on an emotional level , maybe not strong enough. but if u not sure what to do maybe ask yourself questions before deciding like why would this be not the right thing to do ? or would i benefit from doin this ? things like that.

14-12-09, 04:19
as you know i get good at picking up moods char
i dont think its to do if your ill or not i think its like reading signs you have to open to it

14-12-09, 05:45
Yes i to can relate I cry in lassie movies.I am very sensitive i cannot even watch the news it is always bad I get upset when i see homeless people I have never watched a scary movie in my life I don't see the need to. So yes there are plenty of people around just like you.
Merry Christmas
Ronny x:flowers: