View Full Version : Really angry with this person!

01-10-09, 12:36
Eugh im so annoyed!!! I asked on yahoo answers something ive already discussed on here but i find that i need to ask else where too because there are other people who could help too. Heres the question and the 3rd answer i got really infuriated me. I e-mailed them and they added a footnote!

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtbPhYKX6b6A.LFsNZ_nPOsazKIX;_ylv=3?qid =20091001030044AAQAWGh

I really cannot explain how absolutly furious i am with this person. How dare they?! "Young love" and "How the young tell their stories" I really want to swear blind and let all the anger out but i dont want to offend. Eugh in his reply email he said about he also suffered from panic and anxiety, is it just a case of he thought i was a fake?! It really annoys me because i feel pathetic and stupid enough having these problems without people acting like that to me.

Geeze surely "i suffer from.." is enough to get across that i have depression and anxiety!


Am i over reacting!? Also just for clearance i told him that if he was in the medical profession why use "U" instead of you, couldnt help it i was angry

01-10-09, 14:05
i read it and yes i think it was rude and insensitive. Unfortunatley i have learnt people like to kick you when your down but you dont know this idiot from adam so its not worth thinking about him. In my view hes just arragant

01-10-09, 14:19
He definately sounds like an arrogant Pr-ck ..:blush: One of them know alls you get everywhere ...Dont take any notice of him ,he doesnt deserve the time ...Some people just dont care enough about others to have the right to reply ..What you are feeling ,is part of your depression and anxiety .It will pass ,stay positive and keep talking to your boyfriend ,he may not understand but it will show him your not shutting him out .Take care luv Sue xx:hugs:

01-10-09, 15:11
i totally agree with what everyone else has said, a mr insensitive nobody who is full of their own self importance, dont waste any more of your energy on them.

P x:hugs:

01-10-09, 15:36
sounds like a know it al dont et it upset you like above said peple take plesure in others pain:bighug1: :bighug1:

01-10-09, 15:58
Thanks guys ^^ yeah i got over him, but his horrible answer struck a cord i think, i had another anxiety attack over whether or not i love my boyfriend and it really shook me up, i went to councelling today aswell and my counceller made me feel better, she said that its ok to question things but i should try to just accept that i have these as feelings and move on.

The guy e-mailed me saying he had gone through it he was just so rude! its ok though i think im over it now lol i wont rise to his arrogence!