View Full Version : Shivers across my head

anxious elephant999
01-10-09, 12:47
Has anybody experienced this im not sure if its something to worry about or not , i keep getting this feeling across my head im not sure if its a cold shiver or pins and needles it keeps going across the right hand side of my head and im getting really scared

anx mum
01-10-09, 12:49
Hi hun have had pins and needles before but not on head at mo getting constant headaches so know how u feel hun i too im really scared x

01-10-09, 13:19
Hello :)

I occasionally get this, it feels like my forehead is cold or numb, i also get this in my face and its usually accompanied with Tension headaches, as i dont suffer from them daily anymore this symptom has gone along with it, alot of people with anxiety have the same complaint, if you are really worried see your doctor but i am sure its anxiety.

Take Care xx

anxious elephant999
01-10-09, 13:26
its like when you get the shivers all over when your cold ,but this is just on one side of my head and im scared wittless, with that and the constant dizziness which ive had for a year im a wreck do you really think its nothing to stress about:blush:

01-10-09, 13:33
tingling sensations are common with anxiety, i have had them in every body part i think and yes my head, i used to get mine at the back alot dizziness is also a anxiety symptom, stress causes our body to react in lots of different ways and i know how scary it is :( big hug!!

Im sure its nothing but make an appointment with your doctor anyway, even if its to put your mind at rest :hugs: xx

01-10-09, 13:37
Hi Anxious

I get this too, have done for ages. I always seem to get it shortly before my period is due?
Also get dejavu then as well

I dont worry about it at all.


01-10-09, 15:20
I get this alot its fine i had them for years im still here for now anyway.

01-10-09, 18:27
Hi anxious, I just wanted to let you know thats what Im currently getting, its like shivers, pins and needles feelings over my head, it started over a week ago and its driving me demented, it also feels like a numb feeling, its weird, anyhow I hsve been to the doctors and he is quite happy its nothing sinister........they are scary though as its the first time I have had this sort of funny head. I hope you are feeling calmer about yours.

Shaz x