View Full Version : hit all time low

01-10-09, 13:59
since all the hassle at work last week and then my mum giving up on me and finally giving in to taking low dose of meds i seem to have hit the bottom. I cant be bothered to get dressed or out of bed for more than an hour. My brain wont stop going over last week and i feel alone. I wish someone could understand the hell im going through

01-10-09, 14:50
Hi Den68

You are not alone
know you have some tough decisions to make at work but you are definately not alone x

01-10-09, 15:06
thanks marc
maybe its just getting used to tabs thats what i keep telling myself

01-10-09, 15:07
Hi Denise

I am sorry that you are having such a rough time, and i know its horrible, but you are not alone in this. I know sometimes we wish there were more people in our immediate environment who understood and could help us more, but we are all here for you, and will support you through this in whatever way we can, it will get better, its just a tough process to go through, but then not much in life is easy, most things bring their difficulities, and we get there in the end dont we. try and focus on one thing at a time, and try not to think too far ahead. Set your self small goals, and at the moment that might be staying out of bed for an hour and a half, or managing to have a shower, otr whatever. these might not mean much to some people but we know how hard it is to do and what a big achievement it is when you do it.
Sending you a big hug, and i hope you start to feel a bit better really soon.



P x

01-10-09, 16:09
Hi Denise,

Taking meds is not the worst thing in the world and in fact you should be proud of yourself because you are taking a proactive approach to feeling better. Of course there will be days you don't feel like getting out of bed, etc. You will get better though! You also do not have to be on medication forever. I think meds always work best with some sort of counseling but that is just my opinion. If I were you I would focus on the here and now and try to pamper yourself by warm baths, a good book or whatever makes you happy. As the other posters have stated, you will get through this and we are here to help.

Take care,
