View Full Version : Unable to Get Vaccinated

01-10-09, 16:30
Hi all,

Over here in the states they are going to start vaccinating certain risk groups (that I would fall in) in mid-October for the swine flu. They have already begun the flu shots. My son has asthma and I have a touch of it and he got the flu one year and it was ten times worse due to his asthma.

My problem. I'm highly allergic to eggs. The flu, swine flu shots and even the nose spray vaccines are all harvested in eggs. I can't get any of the vaccines. I realize that probably millions of people will not be vaccinated and many have had the flu and have been okay but because of my health issues and mild asthma I'm of course worried. Does anyone else have this issue and have a suggestion?

Thanks so much.


01-10-09, 16:48
Hi there,

The only support I can give is that I had suspected swine flu a couple of months ago. They'd stopped swabbing for it but the hospital and my g.p. both think that it was swine flu I had. I too have asthma. I was told to double up on my inhalors, take paracetamol and plenty of fluids, and rest. I was also told it was a mild flu and not to worry. I can honestly say that it is a mild flu. Yes, I felt tired after it but it didn't last long. Please don't worry too much. I went back to work soon after it none the worse. Some people take vaccinations and still get flu. Just keep on top of your asthma and I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about.
Kind regards

01-10-09, 16:54
i have a very mild asthma,,but was given the ordinary flu jab last week by my doctor,,apart from a really sore arm,,feels like i was kicked by a mule lol,,and i had a very high temp for two days,,i was fine ,,dont know if this is any help ,,

01-10-09, 18:39
Hi Laura, have you spoken to a doctor about your egg allergy to see if there is a way round this....like could you have the jab along with antihistamines in a hospital? Or is your egg allergy too severe? Its just I know of children here who have had jabs in hospital because of this and been ok in the end.

I can understand your worries though...I think it may be worth discussing the whole thing with your doctor.

Sorry if this doesnt help much.

Coni XX

04-10-09, 03:23
Thanks so much everyone for your input. Coni, as a matter of fact I do have an appt. with my allergist doctor week after next who was the one that stated I could never have a flu shot. I hope for some answers answers then because surely I can't be the only one with this problem. Again, thanks everone.

Laura xxx