View Full Version : very sore back!

01-10-09, 16:54
Hi, just hoping someone can talk some sense into me, since saturday i've had a really sore back. It started off with a twinge and has been uncomfortable since. I feel better when i'm walking but sitting is quite uncomfortable. I though it had improved yestarday but this morning it was as bad as ever. I went to my gp who had me bend forward and backwards and felt my back. He said it was'nt sciatica as i could bend forwards and that it was probably muscle spasms. He said my back felt quite rigid. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are'nt helping. I know i shoild be reassured but i still worry.

01-10-09, 17:34
Muscle spasms are rediculously painful sweetheart.

Is it a certain way you walk or move that sets a twinge off? I remember a while back I stood up off the couch and stretched upwards and naturally raised my arms... well...when I put my arms back down I yelped so loud..I could not put my left arm down and when I tried to put it infront of me or move my neck and shoulder to the left,all hell broke loose. I ended up at the A+E and was told it was muscles spasms which were more painful cos of tendons or something or other.

This was months ago and I still can't turn to the left properly without feeling I may set it off!

I feel your pain petal..Maybe not in your back but I have been there!


01-10-09, 17:48
Rainbow, try not to worry, that type of pain is very common. If you can, go and see a chiropractor, I'm sure he'll have you pain free in no time at all. I find that physios/chiropractors/osteopaths are always better than doctors for things like back pain as they won't just tell you to take an aspirin and rest. All the best.

01-10-09, 18:00

I have been bothered by back pain on and off for years, and the others are right, muscle spasms are very painful, being tense makes it worse, take painkillers and keep moving , i know it hurts, but moving around does help.

Take it easy and dont worry, it will go away soon

P x

01-10-09, 18:05
hi rainbow, although im not working a the moment due to injuries and pts, im a massuse and holistic therapist...if you can get someone to massage your back it will help your muscles and take a nice warm bath if you can, ibrophen will help the inflammation as well..massages can be expensive so if a friend of loved one could help out just bay gently massaging it , this should help ease your sytoms alittle,..sam

01-10-09, 18:54
Hi again rainbow, just a thought, if your pain doesnt improve i would suggest like the others to visit a chiropractor/osteopath..They are more understanding of back pain and thats they job..

02-10-09, 10:31
thanks everyone for your kind replies. My back is still painful today despite taking paracetamol and ibuprofen regularly. Feeling very fed up and low. I think i'm going to have to try a stronger pain killer. I think the thing thats making me worry the most is that it seemed to get better then overnight it was back to square one. I've had CBT and was discharged about a month ago as i had improved a lot. This has been a real challenge and i'm trying to use all the techniques that i learnt but feel that i'm failing. I have had lots of back pain over the years so i am used to it but i don't think it normally stays sore for so long. I've had 5 kids and i also have a bony abnormality at the base of my spine which the doctor thinks may have happened while i was in the womb.

We are going away for the weekend to a holiday park and i dont want to spoil it for everyone by being miserable.