View Full Version : Lymph Node

01-10-09, 17:58
Hey all. 2 months ago i took a panic attack over a pain since then on my head beside my ear there is this enlarged pea sized lump.

I mentioned it to the docs at a and e and they said not to worry.

Its been 2 months and it does not seem to be going away or enlarging.

I can feel a bump on the back of my neck near my ear to i also have a cyst on that ear too.

Now my doc gave me some decongestion pills and nasal spray for my sinues.

Im just wondering should i be concerned? it seems to be there for way to long.

01-10-09, 18:50
Hi Qix! I came on this site today because I felt a knot behind my ear, and it has been making me anxious, and I was going to post, but you did it for me. I have the same exact thing behind my left ear. Mine is hard, and doesn't move like a lymph node would. I haven't been feeling sick or anything lately. It doesn't hurt either. I'm going to call my doctor to see if she will look at it. If you find out what it is please contact me and let me know. I'll do the same. Thanks!

Cell block H fan
01-10-09, 18:50
2 months is nothing. My sons have been there 2 years & show no signs of going. Can only see his if he lifts his head up though, then it pokes out a bit.

01-10-09, 19:18
Its just strange it shows up when i have my panic attack. I have no idea why it is there. it is hard and it can go softer.

Ill bring it up to my doc when i see her. the a and e doc said its nothing to worry about.

I dont know if the node is there because of the cyst on my ear or my sinuses or some kind of infection i tried anti biotics so i dunno.

Its very weird

Cell block H fan
01-10-09, 21:04
Its just strange it shows up when i have my panic attack. I have no idea why it is there. it is hard and it can go softer.

Ill bring it up to my doc when i see her. the a and e doc said its nothing to worry about.

I dont know if the node is there because of the cyst on my ear or my sinuses or some kind of infection i tried anti biotics so i dunno.

Its very weird

My son was given 5 days of antibiotics, but it didn't make any difference to be honest. Its probably because of the cyst. Its the bodies way of trying to fight off infection, so the doctor told us anyway. I remember getting a lump just behind my ear when I wore cheap earings once, & the doctor said its a self defense thing.
Hope you get it sorted though. Lumps are a worry aren't they. Usually nothing serious though.

02-10-09, 09:59
When you say its huge how big is it? lymph nodes that are 1 cm are not considered pathalogically enlarged.

I have a soft one behind my right ear and a small hard one behind my left, i saw a thread about this yesterday actually and a girl gave a good explanation to what it might be!

i will find it for you :) x

here you are


02-10-09, 10:35
Its just strange it shows up when i have my panic attack. I have no idea why it is there. it is hard and it can go softer.

Ill bring it up to my doc when i see her. the a and e doc said its nothing to worry about.

I dont know if the node is there because of the cyst on my ear or my sinuses or some kind of infection i tried anti biotics so i dunno.

Its very weird
Myabe it showed up because your stress has lowered your immune system and caused some harmless bacteria to bother something near your ear or under your hair causing the lymphnode to swell to deal with it. As far as i know they take their time in dealing with whatever they are swollen for and then disapearing ...... people have them for years after they fifnish doing what ever they swelled for.

What is you ear cyst?
Where is it? Asking for me , not thinkning anything at all about your cyst !!:hugs:

02-10-09, 15:57
Thanks all for the replys :D Im just abit on edge at the moment . ID sad it is about 1cm. I dont think it has gotten any bigger over these 2months. I have felt it ever day and it feels the same. It is very hard but i can jiggle it.

I have no idea why the cyst is there appeared around the same time as the node. My gp checked it and said it was fine then i got the a and e doc to check it and he said it was just a cyst. He gave a specific name i cant remember though! it is harmless though!

I have had cysts on my ear before and they have hurt more than the one i have now but this one has been here by far the longest.

Woops sorry lisa. My cyst is just at the bottom of my left earlobe and is right in the middle of my earlobe and neck. its like joining them together lol

Thanks all :D