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View Full Version : not a happy bunny...

01-10-09, 18:10
...where the nhs is concerned.

Had to change GP practice and was given an appt with a young girl who could have only been 20 something, based on the reccomendations of my previous, much-missed GP I made an appt just to introduce myself and my health anxiety.. I was within minutes offered beta blockers - that was it, nothing else.. from being used to sometimes hlaf-hour appts with my last GP, who was very against tablets, it was a big shock that left me walking back to Halls in tears. All I wanted was to talk and I didn't get the chance :(

My mam asked my old GP for advice and she recommended someone else at my new practice, who she used to work with.. phoned up for an appt, and guess what, the woman is on maternity leave :(

So.. I then thought, to hell I will go see my old GP - and was told that to do this could end up with her risking her job etc..:huh:

:( I'm terrified to go see a new doc, but I know I have to, I'm so tired all the time and need to find out why (literally sleepy, sitting in my halls and sometimes I forget that I'm not at home anymore and get a shock when I realise I'm not..I'm so scared..)

miss my old doctor like mad, been in tears over it because she was so helpful and caring, I would give anything to be able to speak to her just now

What can I do, I'm a bitty fed up tonight? :weep: xxx

01-10-09, 18:36
when you find a gp you trust it can be very difficult to accept the way another gp works. Maybe this gp believes in giving medication where as your last one didnt. Would it be worth considering medication for a bit to help you. I resisted for 18 months but after talking to a new gp agreed to give it ago. Maybe you could make another appointment with this gp write down how you feel and why you dont want meds. He dosnt know you yet and writing it down may help him to understand you a bit more

01-10-09, 22:47
Hmm i know what you mean, My doctors surgery are so annoying they dont have "set Gps" you just get given someone. I often kick up a fuss and demand for the ones i like depending on the problem and i say like "theyve had me through this problem blablabla" and tehy normally cave but i always get a bad time if i do that.

The one i ask for for my anx and dep wasnt in on monday and i had some australian man who swore alot and didnt let me speak at all just kept going "and you feel like theres a tiger behind you, you know with your adrenalin going, so you were given beta blockers to try and stop this" yes im aware can you let me speak so i can explain what i need help with?! i didnt even go to the appointment for more beta blockers i went to ask to have my contraception changed and stuff lol